Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

Effect of Kind Words

"speak fair to the people; be steadfast in prayer; and practise regular charity" ….

Many people do not know the influence of a word on others. A good word may be a reason for healing someone or pleasing another. A bad word may be a reason in hurting others more than hitting! What made me write this article is a study conducted by American researchers on the influence of a bad word, but before we introduce the results of this study which was published in the Psychology Sciences newspaper, I would like to share with you a precious verse on the influence of a word.

Almighty says, "Seest thou not how Allah sets forth a parable? - A goodly word like a goodly tree, whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches (reach) to the heavens,- of its Lord. So Allah sets forth parables for men, in order that they may receive admonition. * It brings forth its fruit at all times, by the leave of its Lord. So Allah sets forth parables for men, in order that they may receive admonition. * And the parable of an evil Word is that of an evil tree: It is torn up by the root from the surface of the earth: it has no stability."[Ibrahim: Abraham: 24-26]

The Greatest Prophet substantiated this meaning when he said a man utters irresponsibly a word which makes him enter Paradise, and that a man says irresponsibly a word which throws him in Hell for seventy autumns!

This means that a believer should be accurate in what he says and should choose always a good word because a word has a great influence on man. Researchers said on (BBC Homepage) that the saying, "A stick and stones may break bones when words do not hurt" is not true. Painful memories geared to emotional experiences are more painful than those related to physical pain.

Researchers of this study said that changes that happen in the brain and allow us to work in group or societal frame may be the key for understanding this issue. The study sample included volunteering students who were asked to write about their painful physical and emotional experiences. Then, a tough mental test was conducted after a short time of writing these experiments.

The main principle that the study depended on was that whenever the experience which the student remembered was more painful, his performance on the test was worse. Results were better when remembering physical pain than emotional pain. Shinsung Zein, a researcher from Purdue University, Indiana, USA, said that it is difficult to revive the remembrance of physical pain compared to social and emotional pain.

here is a side in the brain that may be responsible for experiences and painful words that man faces, that is the cerebral cortex which performs difficult processes including thinking, perception and language. This part of the brain enhances man's ability to adapt with other groups and cultures, besides, it is responsible for the reaction to pain that has a relation to the group.

Michael Hojsman, a Child Psychology specialist in Germany, said that it is probable that several parts of the brain deal with emotional pain which is considered to have a long range effect. That is, in physical pain you can see wounds and bruises while emotional pain leaves mostly concern and fear. If pupils said to a classmate that they will punish him after classes, he will live anxiety and fear more than what may actually happen to him.

What we benefit from these results

Such studies conducted by non-Muslims confirm the trueness of the Islam message. Allah commanded us to choose our words that do not hurt others, and positively influence others. These verses point that.

Almighty says, "Kind words and the covering of faults are better than charity followed by injury. Allah is free of all wants, and He is Most-Forbearing."[Al-Baqara: The Cow: 263] He said also, "and shun the word that is false" [Al-Hajj: The Pilgrimage: 30]. Allah ordered us to call people gently, carry out good argument and choose the word that is more influential and leaves a positive effect on others to get the correct idea about Islam. Almighty says, "Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance." [An-Nahl: The Bee: 125]

These studies should increase our assurance of the impact of the good word. The good word is a charity as told by The Prophet, The Mankind Master (pbuh). Then, consider how Allah introduced the good word in front of prayer, the foundation of religion, when he addressed Children of Israel: "speak fair to the people; be steadfast in prayer; and practise regular charity" [Al-Baqara: The Cow: 83].

Also, you, my brother believer, should know that every word you utter, leaves an effect on the recipient's brain, and this effect does not disappear through time but stays. Therefore, be careful to leave a good effect in the brain and hearts of others, you do not know that one word you utter may be the reason to enter Paradise on the day of meeting with Allah.


The Qur'an speaks about the due measure of water

Let us live with some verses about Hydrology, to see that the scientific facts testify on the sincerity of the Qur'an, …

I started to study hydrology during my first years of study in university; I stopped many times to think in the complication of that science. It took long time from the scientists to discover the physics rules concerning that science, but there are some vagueness concerning many questions about that science.

I studied many theories in that field. But I didn't imagine that I may find these scientific facts in a book which was released from hundreds of years! I read researches for scientists who started their studies at the beginning of the twenty century when they got the scientific tools and the Laboratory analysis; they used to stay in their laboratories for many years to get a single scientific fact about water.

Therefore, discovering the rules which control movement of fluids is considered to be a huge jump in understanding the water around us, any one who think in these rules must say "Glory to Allah" who says:( The Work of Allah, Who perfected all things, verily He is Well-Acquainted with what you do.)(Sûrat An-Naml-verse 88).

God be He blessed and exalted put the physic rules in the water to be evidence that creation of God is precise, and to believe in the grandeur of the God.

According to the modern science for fluids especially the water, the scientists confirm that the water is revolving a precise and accurate circle. And there are physical rules to control every drop of water starting from the time of the descending from the sky till it reaches us. All stages are in precision not at random.

If we look attentively, we can see a precise system which testifies that the creator is great, also we see fixed physical rules as an indication for an organizer who knows everything (God be He blessed and exalted). God says :( Everything with Him is in (due) proportion *All-Knower of the Unseen and the seen, the Most Great, the Most High.)(Sûrat Ar-Ra‘d- verse 8-9)

Here we can see the koranic miracle as God says :( And who sends down water (rain) from the sky in due measure) (Sûrat AZ-Zukhruf- verse 11).hence we can see how God be He exalted made a link between sending water from the sky and the word (in due measure) which means a precise and calculated system.

The one drop of water contains five thousand million of molecules!!! God had organized this precise system in a due measure. God says :( And we sent down from the sky water (rain) in (due) measure) (Sûrat Al-Mu’minûn- verse 18) which means in a calculated and precise system. That is the same as what the scientists tell us about the precise and accurate system of hydrology on earth.

God be He exalted had mentioned the water in the Qur'an in many verses such as:

1. The Qur'an told us about these huge water tanks which are under the ground of the earth which are more than the sweet water in the rivers, God says:( and it is not you who are the owners of its stores [i.e. to give water to whom you like or to withhold it from whom you like].)(Sûrat A-Hijr- verse 22).this sentence refers to the operation of storing the water, as this information was unknown by anyone at the time of the Qur'an.

2. The Qur'an told us about the long time that the water stay in the ground without spoiling , God says:( and We gave it lodging in the earth)( Sûrat Al-Mu’minûn- verse18). In this sentence a sign that the water stays for a long time in the ground(Lodge) despite the existed impurities materials, Microorganisms, fungi, salts and minerals underground but the water stay clean and pure. That is Allah who put the rules to do all of that.

3. The Qur'an told us about the role of the mountains in purifying the water , this information was unknown by anyone at the time of the descending of the Qur'an , as the taller the mountains the purer the water. God says :( And have placed therein firm, and tall mountains, and have given you to drink sweet water?)( Sûrat Al-Mursalât- verse 27).

4.The Qur'an told us about the calculated and precise operations which control the descending of water and its cycle, God says: (And who sends down water (rain) from the sky in due measure) (Sûrat AZ-Zukhruf- verse 11).

Finally my dear reader, don't you see that the Qur'an spoke about everything? God says :( And we have sent down to you the Book (the Qur’an) as an exposition of everything, guidance, a mercy, and glad tidings for those who have submitted themselves (to Allah as Muslims).)(Sûrat An-Nahl-verse 89).


Sound Of Ants

A new research has found that the ants speak like us! The Holy Quran mentioned this face 1400 years ago, let's read....

Advances in audio technology have enabled scientists to discover that ants routinely talk to each other in their nests.

Most ants have a natural washboard and plectrum built into their abdomens that they can rub together to communicate using sound.

Using miniaturised microphones and speakers that can be inserted unobtrusively into nests, researchers established that the queens can issue instructions to their workers.

The astonished researchers, who managed to make the first recordings of queen ants “speaking”, also discovered that other insects can mimic the ants to make them slaves.

Rebel's large blue butterfly is one of about 10,000 creatures that have a parasitic relationship with ants and has now been found to have learnt to imitate the sounds as well as using chemical signals.

The butterfly's caterpillars are carried by ants into the nests where they beg for food and are fed by the workers. When a colony is disturbed the ants will rescue the caterpillars before their own broods.

Research several decades ago had shown that ants were able to make alarm calls using sounds, but only now has it been shown that their vocabulary may be much bigger and that they can “talk” to each other.

Professor Jeremy Thomas, of the University of Oxford, said improvements in technology had made the discoveries possible because it meant the ants could be recorded and subjected to playbacks without becoming alarmed.

By placing miniature speakers into the nest and playing back sounds made by a queen, the researchers were able to persuade ants to stand to attention.

“When we played the queen sounds they did 'en garde' behaviour. They would stand motionless with their antennae held out and their jaws apart for hours - the moment anyone goes near they will attack,” he said.

He described how the ants would press their antennae to the speaker just as they would seek to greet another ant in the nest.

Professor Thomas said it remained unclear how much the ants relied on sound for language but he suspected that further analysis would reveal a wider vocabulary than had been seen yet.

“The most important discovery is that within the ant colony different sounds can provoke different reactions,” he said. “I would be very surprised if we didn't get different types of sound.
rent tunes by changing the rhythm with which they rub.”

He added that the detection of the role of sounds provided the “final piece of the jigsaw” to explain how Rebel's large blue caterpillars survive in ants' nests and should help to guide conservationists in trying to save the endangered European mountain species.

“It's within the power of the ant to play diffe

Francesca Barbero, of the University of Turin, said: “Our new work shows that the role of sound in information exchange within ant colonies has been greatly underestimated.” Karsten Schönrogge, of the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology in Oxfordshire, said the mimicry by the caterpillars was so convincing that the ants afforded them higher status than their own young. They will even slaughter their own young to feed the interlopers when food is scarce.

Now let's think and read this verse, Allah Almighty says:

"when they came to the Valley of the Ants, an ant said: "O ants, enter your dwellings lest Solomon and his armies crush you without even noticing it." [27/18]. This verse refer to ant speaking, and this is what scientist discovered. This fact makes us Glory Allah SWT, Subhana Allah!


Mudah mencintai orang yang jauh dari kita. Tetapi tidak mudah menunjukkan rasa cinta kepada mereka yang dekat di sekitar kita.

Jauh lebih mudah pula memberi sepiring nasi untuk mereka yang kelaparan, dibandingkan meringankan rasa sedih, hampa dan kesepian dari mereka yang tidak mendapatkan kasih sayang di rumah kita sendiri.

Berikan cinta kita yang sebesar-besarnya di rumah kita, di antara keluarga kita. Karena di rumahlah seharusnya rasa cinta yang kuat terhadap sesama itu berasal.

~ M other Theresa ~

♥ Memberi tanpa mengharapkan kembali, itulah esensi cinta sejati.

~ O scar Wilde ~

♥ Ketika aku berteman dengan mereka yang memusuhiku dan bahkan menjadikan mereka temanku, bukankah itu berarti aku telah "mengalahkan musuh-musuhku" tersebut?

~ A braham Lincoln ~

Cinta tumbuh karena kita bersedia memberikannya kepada orang lain. Cinta yang kita berikan itulah satu-satunya cinta yang kita miliki.

Hanya satu cara untuk mempertahankan cinta, yaitu dengan memberikannya.

~ E lbert Hubbard ~

Kehidupan yang sejahtera, bahagia dan berkelimpahan hanya bisa tercipta karena adanya cinta dan kasih yang besar kepada sesama.

~ E lbert Hubbard ~

Ketika satu pintu kebahagiaan tertutup, pintu lain lagi terbuka.

Tetapi, sayangnya, kita sering menatap terlalu lama pintu yang telah tertutup tadi sehingga kita tidak melihat pintu lain yang telah dibukakan untuk kita sebagai gantinya.

~ H elen Keller

Hal-hal terbaik dan terindah dalam hidup ini tidak bisa dilihat atau didengar dengan panca indera, tetapi dirasakan dengan hati.

~ H elen Keller ~

Cintailah banyak hal, karena di situlah terletak kekuatan sesungguhnya. Mereka yang mencintai banyak-banyak akan mampu melakukan dan mencapai banyak hal.

Dan apapun yang dikerjakan atas nama cinta, pasti terselesaikan dengan baik.

~ V incent Van Gogh ~

Seringkali kita meremehkan kekuatan sebuah sentuhan, seulas senyuman, seuntai kata yang baik, kesediaan mendengarkan, pujian yang tulus, atau tindakan-tindakan kecil lainnya yang menunjukkan kepedulian.

Padahal, semua itu sebenarnya mempunyai potensi untuk mengubah hidup seseorang.

~ L eo Buscaglia

Kematian adalah sebuah tantangan. Dia mengharuskan kita untuk tidak membuang waktu sia-sia ... Dia mengharuskan kita untuk mengungkapkan rasa cinta dan kasih sayang kita kepada siapapun yang kita cintai sekarang juga.

Tidak bisa ditunda, karena kematian bisa datang kapan saja.

~ L eo Buscaglia ~

Kehidupan adalah bunga. Dan cinta adalah madunya.

~ V ictor Hugo ~

Cinta pada pandangan pertama itu mudah dipahami. (Mudah bagi kita mencintai seseorang yang di mata kita terlihat begitu sempurna karena kita belum melihat atau mengetahui semuanya tentang dia);

tetapi yang menunjukkan besarnya kekuatan mukjizat cinta yang sebenarnya adalah ketika dua orang yang sudah saling bersama bertahun-tahun masih bisa saling jatuh cinta (setelah mengetahui dan mengenal dengan baik semua kekurangan dan kelemahan masing-masing, tetapi masih bisa menerimanya dengan penuh cinta).

~ A my Bloom ~

Miliki hati yang selalu lembut, tidak pernah mengeras;
miliki kesabaran yang tidak pernah habis;
dan miliki sentuhan yang tidak pernah menyakiti.

~ C harles Dickens ~

Saya tidak menginginkan apapun selain melihat senyumnya, dan memegang tangannya ketika berjalan bersama di bawah hangatnya sinar mentari, di jalan setapak yang berhiaskan bunga di kanan kiri.

~ A ndre Gide ~

Mencintai adalah menempatkan kebahagiaan kita pada kebahagiaan mereka yang kita cintai.

Ketika kita mencintai, kita merasa bahagia bila yang kita cintai berbahagia.

~ G. W. Von Leibnitz ~

Apa yang kita pikirkan akan keluar sebagai kata-kata.

Kata-kata kita akan mewarnai tindakan kita.

Semua tindakan kita membentuk sebuah kebiasaan.

Kebiasaan mengeras menjadi sebuah watak.

Maka, berhati-hatilah selalu dengan apa yang kau pikirkan.

Hanya pikirkan hal-hal yang muncul atas nama cinta, yang lahir atas dasar kepedulian kita terhadap sesama.

~ B uddha ~

Seribu lilin bisa dinyalakan dengan nyala dari satu lilin, dan umur si lilin tersebut tidak akan menjadi lebih pendek karenanya.

Kebahagiaan tidak akan pernah berkurang karena dibagi.

~ B uddha ~

Hanya dengan hatilah, seseorang bisa melihat dengan benar.

hal-hal esensial dalam hidup hanya terlihat oleh mata hati.

~ A ntoine de Saint-Exupery ~

Mencintai seseorang adalah melihat keajaiban yang tidak terlihat oleh orang lain.

~ F rancois Mauriac ~

Cintailah hati yang menyakitimu, tetapi jangan pernah menyakiti hati yang mencintai kamu.

~ V ipin Sharma ~

Di antara orang-orang yang aku sukai atau aku kagumi, aku tidak bisa menemukan kesamaan.

Tetapi di antara mereka yang aku cintai, ada satu kesamaan, yaitu mereka semua mampu membuatku tertawa.

~ W. H. Auden ~

Cinta selalu diberikan sebagai sebuah "hadiah", tanpa diminta, dengan suka cita, suka rela, tidak memaksa dan tidak berpamrih atau mengharap balasan.

Kita tidak mencinta agar dicinta balik. Kita mencintai untuk mencintai. Titik.

~ L eo Buscaglia ~

Cinta selalu diberikan sebagai sebuah "hadiah", tanpa diminta, dengan suka cita, suka rela, tidak memaksa dan tidak berpamrih atau mengharap balasan.

Kita tidak mencinta agar dicinta balik. Kita mencintai untuk mencintai. Titik.

~ L eo Buscaglia ~

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

Breastfeeding for Two Full Years

The holy verse:

God be he blessed and exalted says: (The mothers shall give suck to their children for two whole years, (that is) for those (parents) who desire to complete the term of suckling) [Surat al-Baqarah, verse: 233].

The explanation of the verse:

This holy verse confirms that the period of complete breastfeeding is two years, so what have scientists found around this period?

Scientific facts:

Scientists have found that the complete food for a baby is in his mother's milk and that this nourishment wouldn't be complete unless the mother breastfeeds her baby for two full years! All doctors confirm that the mother's milk is completely free of bacteria and it is preferable for the baby than any artificial baby milk. Doctors have observed that the children who take artificial milk in feeding bottles are often subjected to various infections even if this bottle is sterile!

It was shown in a modern medical conference that the ideal period of breastfeeding is two years because the child during these two years is in urgent need for antibodies to develop his immune system and these antibodies aren't present except in mother's milk.

The point of inimitability:

Thus, scientists have discovered that breast milk contains antibacterial immune substances. The Quran told us about the suitable period for developing the child's immune system and that these antibodies couldn't be found except in mother's milk as God be he exalted says: (The mothers shall give suck to their children for two whole years, (that is) for those (parents) who desire to complete the term of suckling) [Surat al-Baqarah, verse: 233]. And the words (two whole years) to confirm the importance of completing the two years and this is what scientists confirm nowadays.

The pure water

Prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him) said in a prophetic Hadith that the water is pure and nothing can impure it, is there any scientific study concerning that matter?

Prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him) said: (water is pure, nothing can impure it) {narrated by Al- termezi and Al- nasaei}.God be He blessed and exalted says: (and we send down pure water from the sky.)(Sûrat Al-Furqân -verse48), also God says:(And We send the winds fertilizing (to fill heavily the clouds with water), then cause the water (rain) to descend from the sky, and We give it to you to drink, and it is not you who are the owners of its stores) (Sûrat A-Hijr - verse22).

Ibn Kathir (Islamic scholar) says in explaining the meaning of (and it is not you who are the owners of its stores): it means that Allah almighty is the only one who descended and keep that water as springs in earth ,Glory to Allah!

Today, the scientists confirm that storing water underground purifies and sterilizes the water to be drinkable, Allah reminds us with that grace, and so will we thank Him for that?

It is a tremendous grace that Allah almighty had made great warehouses under the ground to store the pure water. What is the new thing concerning that matter?

The scientists were trying for many years to use many methods to purify the water on earth which is polluted by micro-organisms which cause many diseases, so they invented the water purification stations and different kinds of filters also they discovered different kinds of purification methods.

The most amazing way to purifying the water was discovered by the microbiologist Dr Simon Toze who invented a very simple and cheap method to purify the water by storing it in the underground layers for couple of months. He says that this method is enough to kill all harmful kinds of micro-organisms which cause many diseases like: Polio, diarrhea diseases and different kind of serious viral diseases.

This method is called "geo purification method" as Allah allows the ground to absorb all kinds of bacteria, viruses, oils, fats, dirt and other contaminants.

The scientists were confused about this amazing technique as Dr Simon says:

"We know the pollution goes, but we don't know how"

Also he says: (The success of that technique depends on many local variables -what sort of aquifers are available to store water, the conditions that exist underground, the types of microbes in the stored water, nutrient levels and what sort of microbes exist underground to cleanse the water).

One scientist asked a question: we know that water purifies everything, so how can we purify the water from impurities? After a long research they found that dust contains sterilizing materials which kill all kinds of germs, here we find that Allah almighty had exploited these materials which were deposited in the dust to be a magnificent and free way to purify the water, God says: (And has subjected to you all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth; it is all as a favour and kindness from Him. Verily, in it are signs for a people who think deeply.)(Sûrat Al-Jâthiyah-verse13).

The scientists say that without these characteristics in the dust, we wouldn’t be able to drink pure water. So God be He blessed and exalted says: (and we give it to you to drink, and it is not you who are the owners of its stores).

A microscopic photo for dust grains, we can see spaces which make the dust able to store the water, also He almighty had supported it with sterilizing materials to kill all germs. Who made all of that? He is Allah who said: (And it is not you who are the owners of its stores)!

The Work of Allah : Sea Star

Allah almighty says “The Work of Allah, Who perfected all things” (An-Naml:88). Many creatures Allah (swt) has created to glorify him follow his commands, and for us to think of Allah’s (swt) complicated designs to be a reason to believe that Allah (swt) is the one and only God.….

There is a strange creature that lives in the ocean, it is known as a “Sea Star”; there are about 1500 types of Sea Star. Allah (swt) supplied this creature with tube feet; each of which consists of a cuplike sucker which helps it attach to coral and rocks. It is able to attach and release each sucker individually; this helps it to move about. It has numerous arms and a mouth, but lacks a brain. Its food mainly consists of small fish and microbes.

Some species have more or fewer than five arms. One of the amazing things about this creature is that when it loses one of its arms, a new one will grow to replace the lost one. Moreover, the lost arm will grow to regenerate an entirely new Sea Star. This is one way that this amazing creature is able to maintain its population.

Allah (swt) almighty supplied this creature with sensory neurons on its arms that enable it to feel, taste, smell, and to distinguish dark from light. Glory to Allah (swt) almighty who guides this creature in the sea darkness and supplies it with belongings to find its sustenance! Allah (swt) almighty says in the Quran “And so many a moving creature carries not its own provision! Allah provides for it and for you. And He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower” (Al-Ankabut:60).

Subhanallah :)

Healing by Colour

Is not He (best) Who created the heavens and the earth, and sendeth down for you water from the sky wherewith We cause to spring forth joyous orchards,….

Chromotherpay is an alternative medicine method for relieving depression. Researchers confirm that looking at the gardens makes brings joy to oneself, and that an hour’s meditation between the colorful flowers and trees is an effective method for relieving depression, disappointments and other psychological problems. We can see that today’s science links between an internal sense of happiness and contemplating at the nature.

The Quran eloquently briefed this fact in God’s words, as He says (Is not He (best) Who created the heavens and the earth, and sendeth down for you water from the sky wherewith We cause to spring forth joyous orchards, whose trees it never hath been yours to cause to grow. Is there any God beside Allah? Nay, but they are folk who ascribe equals (unto Him)! [AN-NAML: 60]. So, see how the wonderful link was drawn in the Quran between the feeling of joy and the orchards. The Quran mentioned this long before scientists of the East and the West did.

Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

Birds don't accept adultery

For many years, scientists believed that birds are fighting and competing to get the female without any ethical rules. But is it the truth? Let us read ….

A new study for a tropical bird called "manakins" illustrated that male who wins the grand prize to get the female is the only one who lives with her till death, but after that his counterpart may marry and lives with his widow!!! That sincerity may not be found in human life.

What happens is that the tropical male birds perform a courtship song and dance, but the alpha male gets the girl every time. The dance, dubbed "backwards leapfrog", was filmed in Costa Rica by zoologists from the University of Wyoming.

"At first glance, it appears like a competitive [dance-off] but in fact it is a co-operative pact between buddies" says Dr David McDonald, of Wyoming University. Also he added" As far as I know it is the only example of male-male [mating] co-operation in the animal kingdom".

Hence we can say that there are two males: the (Alfa) who marries the female and the (Beta) who waits till the death of Alfa. Meanwhile the beta spends five years playing second fiddle. But he eventually inherits the mating site.

Here it is nice to say that the male birds' partnership lasts up to five years, during that time, the beta male does not copulate as he has to wait until alpha male dies - he doesn't kick him out. So he may be waiting until he's 10, 15 or even older. In return, he will eventually inherit the mating site and become the alpha himself.

The network of relations by the male decides his role in the courtship song and dance. "As males grow up, they go through a complex network of social interactions, as how well connected a young male is will predict how he will do - whether he becomes an alpha or a beta." says Dr McDonald.

In fact the females don't know the males individually. They map the sites where males are doing really hot performances. But how do the males decide which of them is the alpha? Dr McDonald says" It is not a case of who is a better dancer, what it comes down to is how -well connected- he is among his buddies".

From this study we can conclude that birds have high level of Morality and cooperation which is considered to be evidence that world of birds looks like our world. God be He blessed and exalted says: (There is not a moving (living) creature on earth, nor a bird that flies with its two wings, but are communities like you. We have neglected nothing in the Book, then unto their Lord they (all) shall be gathered.)(Sûrat Al-An’âm- verse38).

Also we can realize that those creatures can think and can distinguish between right and wrong, we see in mankind some people who looks at what others have got of livelihood (wife, money, sons, etc…).

Notice: most of animals and birds are like human as we can find lying, cheating and bluffing in their life, also they can distinguish between Good and evil, so the koranic description is very precise and accurate.


Mencipta Masa Depan

Memang mudah terlintas maksud turutan perkataan tersebut di dalam minda kita.

Namun adakah ia sama dengan pemikiran orang lain?

Sudah tentu ianya berbeza dan sering bercanggah antara satu sama lain.

Dalam pada itu sebenarnya telah wujud persamaan antara perbezaan pemikiran tadi.

Walau bagaimanapun mungkin anda boleh bersetuju dengan saya sekiranya saya mengatakan maksud yang sebenar bagi perkataan-perkataan tersebut adalah dengan satu perkataan iaitu cita-cita.

Cita-cita membawa maksud harapan dan impian yang cuba direalitikan oleh setiap insan yang bergelar manusia pada masa hadapan.

Ada bermacam cita-cita yang boleh kita impikan.

Doktor, guru, arkitek, usahawan berjaya, kerani, dan banyak lagi pekerjaan yang sering kita impikan.

Namun begitu, ada juga manusia yang bercita-cita sesuatu perkara yang negatif contohnya merompak, melepak, menganggur, menyemak tepi kaki lima, kutu rayau, sekadar berfoya-foya, raja judi, perogol dan sebagainya.

Semua yang disenaraikan ini adalah berkaitan dengan cita-cita makhluk yang bergelar manusia.

Cita-citalah yang mempengaruhi seseorang manusia itu untuk belajar.

Sebagai contoh, seseorang itu mempunyai keinginan untuk menjadi seorang guru.

Walau bagaimanapun, syarat untuk menjadi seorang guru mesti memiliki kelulusan sekurang-kurangnya ijazah sarjana muda. Untuk memiliki ijazah sarjana muda pula kita harus melanjutkan pelajaran ke universiti terlebih dahulu.

Seseorang itu juga perlu menghabiskan pelajarannya di peringkat Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) dahulu sebelum dapat melanjutkan pelajaran ke universiti.

Begitulah selanjutnya sejak daripada peringkat tadika lagi.

Sememangnya ada turutan tersebut dalam meniti kehidupan.

Namun, adakah turutan itu terasa kelazatannya? Kelazatan di sini bermaksud sejauh mana kita berusaha menempuh hidup yang diimpikan itu.

Sesungguhnya impian tidak semestinya tercapai.

Namun ia tidak mustahil untuk dicapai. Hanya fikiran yang menentukan keberjayaan kita memperoleh apa yang kita inginkan pada masa depan.

Di dalam liku-liku hidup ini, berusahalah mengikut landasan dan keperluan yang betul.

Bukan sahaja kita akan memperoleh impian yang sekian lama kita simpan, kita juga akan memperoleh kenikmatan dan juga kebahagiaan di dalam hidup ini.

Namun, sebagai manusia sudah pasti ada yang membataskannya.

Pastikan ia mengikut landasan syariat yang betul dan tidak menyeleweng supaya hidup bermasyarakat sentiasa dalam keadaan seimbang dan harmoni senantiasa.


Pictures calling you to praise Allah

It is the journey of creation which Allah, the Almighty, ordered us to contemplate at, to realize …

it is the journey of creation which Allah, the Almighty, ordered us to contemplate at, to realize Allah's blessing bestowed upon us and what beautiful when the believer lives submissively, even for seconds, when he sees the power of Allah is reflected in the creation of the fetus in his mother's womb.

All praises to you Allah! Who created us in the most beautiful, most magnificent and best form, and granted us your blessings, the apparent and the hidden. You are more knowing of us than ourselves; you have talked to us in your glorious book saying: “He knows you well when He created you from the earth, and when you were fetuses in your mothers’ wombs. So ascribe not purity to yourselves. He knows best him who fears Allâh and keeps his duty to Him" (An Najm: 32). Oh Allah, we shall neither ascribe purity to ourselves nor to anyone else, as you are more knowing of our doings and more knowing of what fits our situation, so prepare for us a knowledge that gives us benefit and makes us closer to you.

Your wisdom required to create us from soil!! As if you are telling us not to become arrogant as the material that we were created from is the cheapest material on the Earth!! Then you made us a sperm that can not be seen and has no value and almost weightless! However, you have bestowed in this small cell the most complicated programs on the surface of the Earth so that this complication and proficiency will testify your power, your greatness and your creation…

We, our Lord, seek nothing except your mercy and there is nothing we love more than meeting you, as you have talked to us saying: "Whoever hopes for the Meeting with Allâh, then Allâh’s Term is surely coming and He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower." (Al Ankabut: 5). And we pray to you to make these scientific facts a mean to see through it your might reflected in ourselves: " And also in your ownselves. Will you not then see?" (21: Az Zariyat). So, will you be satisfied with us? Oh The Eternal Owner of Sovereignty and The Creator of everything!

Dear brothers and sisters in Allah, this is an introduction I loved to start with to make sure that this science, namely the miracles of the Quran, is a way to know Allah, the Almighty. One brother told me once:

Why do you search in these sciences and waste your time??? I'm a believer in the Quran and in the message of Islam, and a believer in Allah, the Almighty, and I do not need proofs on this!

I said to him: my brother, what is the number of the verses of the Quran?

He said: this does not increase my belief then I said to him: what is the number of the chapters of the Quran?

He said: I do not remember, and it is not important.

I said to him: what is the meaning of (By the heaven full of paths)?

He said: this needs interpretation and I'm not specialized in it!

Then I asked him: what is the meaning of (A lying, sinful forelock!), (And you will see the mountains and think them solid), (Alif-Lâm-Mîm), and other questions which shows the extent of the believer's heart attachment to the book of his Lord and the extent of his care to understand this Quran and meditate it, but he was replying and saying that these things are not necessary to increase the faith!

Then I asked him to tell me who is the prophet who said this supplication "O My Lord! Leave me not single (childless), though You are the Best of the inheritors." he said: I don't know, then I said: who is the prophet who said: " I put my trust in Allâh, my Lord and your Lord! There is not a moving (living) creature but He has the grasp of its forelock"… and the answer was the same, these questions are not necessary and knowing it is not an obligation!

I said to him after that: you are completely ignorant of the Quran, and so you are a believer of something that you are unaware of, therefore you are a believer of the unknown! What will you say to Allah, the Almighty, who will ask you in the day of judgment about this Quran: "And verily this (the Qur’an) is indeed a Reminder for you (O Muhammad) and your people (Quraish people, or your followers), and you will be questioned (about it). " (Az Zughruf: 44).

By Allah that anyone of us would be ashamed from a friend if he gifted him a book and asked him later if he read it, he would be ashamed to say I did not read it! Then, what will you say to Allah, the Almighty, when you stand between His hands without a veil between you and Him and Asks you: what did you do with this Quran, what did you learn from it? What services did you provide to this book which you claim that you love? Therefore, prepare yourself brother for these questions before that day comes, and do not think that you are better than Allah's apostle Muhammad, peace be upon him, who was watching a whole single night meditating one verse: "If You punish them, they are Your slaves, and if You forgive them, verily You, only You, are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise" (Al Maeda: 118). So, how many times you thought to allot even an hour to meditate one verse of Allah's verses!!!

I used to hear one Hadith saying: "one hour meditation is better than one year worship", and I got astonished, but in deed I have realized that Allah, the Almighty Do not give rewards for the quantity of the doing but rather for the quality of it!

The companions of the prophet, peace be upon him, are many, and those who converted to Islam and were killed for the name of Allah shortly after they become Muslims, if we counted the number of the prayer units they did, we would find the few, but Allah, the Almighty made them with the prophets, pious, martyrs and righteous people because of a thing that we might see it simple but it is great in Allah's count, it is the honesty with Allah: " then if they had been true to Allah, it would have been better for them" (Muhammad: 21).

Honesty, sincerity and thinking well of Allah, all those do not need the action of the body organs, it is rather the action of the heart that does not need much time and effort, it is the result of meditation in Allah's, the Almighty, creation and power.

I'd like to tell you that my faith a year ago, for example, was not as straight as today, due to the growing of my knowledge in Allah's signs, Allah's miracles and might.

The science of miracles of the Quran, my beloved brothers, is the best way in this time to realize anything from Allah's greatness and power in his creation, and it is not enough to study the biography of the prophet, peace be upon him, without following it as example! I wonder from a person who claims that he applies the teachings of Quran and Sunnah, then when you ask him what are your information in Embryology?, he says: it is not obligation on me to learn such a science! And I say: then, when Allah addressed the human being saying: "So let man see from what he is created!" (Al Tariq: 5). I do not know who is intended in this appeal: the believer or the disbeliever?

And what does it mean? Should we set and wait without thinking, studying and meditating? Should we leave the non-Muslim western scientists to search, see and apply this verse practically in their labs, then say we are not concerned in this science!!

Therefore, my beloved ones, I will accompany you in a modest journey in the world of the creation of the embryo, so that we may become more faithful in Allah, the Almighty, and become more acquainted of the Ever Great Creator. And we shall use the language of pictures that the scientists had taken for embryos in their mother's wombs from sperm till he gets out as a child, let us contemplate and praise Allah that He has honored us with these sciences.

-The scientists confirmed that one of the strangest phenomena in the nature is the creation of the human being! Where a single cell grows and become more than 100 trillion cells, how does this process take place, and who controls this specific program? Is it the nature, Or the Creator of the nature, the Almighty? As when the man realizes his origin, which is clay, then the almost unseen sperm, he becomes more humble and he gets rid of his pride and arrogance, He the Almighty says: "O man! What has made you careless about your Lord, the Most Generous?* who created you, fashioned you perfectly, and gave you due proportion* In whatever form He willed, He put you together" (Al infitar: 6-8). We see in the picture a large group of sperms surrounding the ovum but only one will penetrate the ovum and form the zygote in which the sperm is mixed with the ovum and will melt in it. Now, if we contemplate the chemical structure of the sperm or ovum, we will find that most of it is water, thus, Allah, the Almighty said: "So let man see from what he is created!* He is created from water gushing forth" (Al Tariq: 5-6). The sperms are competing and approaching the ovum trying to penetrate it, and the important question is who taught the sperm to follow this path in this darkness? Who guide it toward the ovum? He, the Almighty says: "Is then He, Who creates as one who creates not? Will you not then remember?" (Al Nahl: 17).

-The sperm, from which the man was created, is so small that it can not be seen by the naked eye, but the medical researches show that the secret of life is even smaller than this and it is present deep in this sperm, in the genetic tape, which is called DNA, as it has all the information needed to create a sane person. He, the Almighty says: " There after We made him (the offspring of Adam) as a Nutfah (mixed drops of the male and female sexual discharge and lodged it) in a safe lodging." (Al Mu'minun: 13). The safe lodge is the mother's womb; scientists say that the womb becomes one thousand times larger immediately after conception!! The head of the sperm contains all the information and systems needed to produce an embryo, He, the Almighty says: "And that He (Allah) creates the pairs, male and female* From Nutfah (drops of semen - male and female discharges) when it is emitted. (An Najm: 45-46).

-A three days embryo pictured by the electronic microscope!! And it is a cell that has divided into 8 cells, this group has the ability to divide and form more than 100 trillion cells! Who order this cell to divide, multiply and form a human being? The strangest about this matter is that the mother cell start dividing but does not produce the same cells, it produces diverse cells, some form the skin, and others form the bones, others for the brain, the eye cells, the heart cells…who inform these cells about their function duty at this degree of sophistication? Isn't He, the Almighty, who says: "He has created everything, and has measured it exactly according to its due measurements" (Al Furqan: 2).

After the entrance of the first sperm into the ovum, the ovum excretes immediately a substance that close its membrane in front of the other sperms, and after fertilization, the fertilized cell (the zygote) excretes HCG hormone, the hormone sensitized by the pregnancy test, this hormone orders the body to stop menstrual cycle and give the mother indications for the start of pregnancy.

30 hours after the entrance of the sperm into the ovum, the first cell division occurs and the cell starts to multiply forming the zygote after approximately four days.

The size of this cell is much less than the head of the pin, it can merely seen or mentioned, thus, He, the Almighty says: "Has there not been over man a period of time, when he was not a thing worth mentioning? Verily, we have created man from Nutfah (drops) of mixed semen (sexual discharge of man and woman), in order to try him: so we made him hearer and seer". (Al Insan: 2).

-After the fusion of the sperm with the feminine ovum, the divisions start directly, then the zygote move and adhere to the wall of the uterus, therefore, Allah, the Almighty says: "It is He, Who has created you (Adam) from dust, then from a Nutfah [mixed semen drops of male and female sexual discharge (i.e. Adam’s offspring)] then from a clot (a piece of coagulated blood)" (Gaffir: 67). The zygote is transformed into completely different form called the clot, which is a group of cells that try to be attached to the lining of the uterus in almost 6-12 days and it chooses the best place in it! Scientists are confused: what made this mass of cells attached to the lining of the uterus and nourish from it?!

After that, the embryo is converted into what looks like a piece of chewed meat, therefore, the Quran had talked about this phase as He Almighty says: "then from a little lump of flesh - some formed an d some unformed (as in the case of miscarriage) - that We may make (it) clear to you (i.e. to show you Our Power and Ability to do what We will). And We cause whom We will to remain in the wombs for an appointed term" (Al Hajj: 5). At this stage, the important systems are being created like the nervous system, the heart and the brain, and some of the features start to appear, the heart starts to beat and many of the systems like the respiratory system, the kidneys, the liver start growing rapidly!

-At this stage, bone formation begins, from the sixth to the eighth week, bone formation and growth continues even after delivery, He, the Almighty, says: "then we made out of that little lump of flesh bones". What confuse scientists is: how do these cells know that they have to be transformed into bones specifically at this time?

A fetus at the age of 7-8 weeks, on it is the starts of the flesh stage in which the bones are coated with muscles. At the beginning of the eighth week the muscles start moving, the formation of the skin layers that cover the body also begin.

Look with me at His, the Almighty saying: "Look at the bones, how we bring them together and clothe them with flesh". (Al Baqara: 259).

The height of the fetus now is less than 3 cm, at this stage the muscles start to develop and cover the bones, this stage stay for long time and interfere with the next stage, namely the bone stage. He, the Almighty, says: "then we clothed the bones with flesh".

As for the placenta, it nourishes the fetus with oxygen, food and liquid, does not permit the passage of the harmful compounds, and produces hormones that regulate the fetus temperature, scientists say that the placenta provides care to the fetus better than any intensive care unit, praises to Allah!

-At this stage, the fetus is getting his final features, the limbs, the eyes, the ears and the rest of the body organs, motion and electrical activity of the heart begin, the brain is very complicated and equals half the body's weight. After that, the functions are sum of growing and completion of the organs creation which goes until the end of the pregnancy, thus, He, the Almighty says: "and then we brought it forth as another creation". (Al Mu'minum).

Finally, there are many queries that we have to ask and meditate, and even to answer it:

-how can a single cell develop in such an amazing way to produce a highly sophisticated creature like the human being?

Who inform these cells to do what they have to do?

Who coordinate their functions without any error?

Who guide this fetus in his journey to the life?

No doubt, that He is Allah, the Almighty, who says: "Our Lord is He Who gave to each thing its form and nature, then guided it aright." (Taha: 50). We ask you Allah to gain us more knowledge and action with that knowledge, and to make us from those whom you said about: "and when His Verses (this Qur’an) are recited unto them, they (i.e. the Verses) increase their Faith; and they put their trust in their Lord (Alone)". (Al Anfal: 2).

Subhanallah :)

Ceria Mendung

Ujian itu adalah tarbiyah hidup. Malah, dengan ujian itulah kita mengenal erti kehidupan. Ketahuilah bahawa ujian itu tanda Allah SWT menyayangi diri kita. Oleh itu, Dia menurunkan sedikit ujian agar kita tidak terus tersesat di dalam kegelapan dan alpa dengan kesenangan hidup. Ketika Dia menghulurkan cahaya kegemilangan-Nya dikala kesusahan, sambutlah ia dengan penuh mesra sambil mengucapkan alhamdulillah.

Sesungguhnya buat mereka yang bersyukur dan redha dengan apa yang ditetapkan ke atas dirinya, Allah SWT menjanjikan seribu kemanisan iman malahan dibalas pula dengan syurga. Subhanallah, sayangnya Allah SWT pada kita. Malah, Allah SWT tidak pula mengenakan apa-apa bayaran di atas semua nikmat-Nya. Sekiranya Allah SWT menetapkan harga ke atas semua nikmat-Nya, bagaimana mungkin kita mampu membayarnya.

Tahukah anda???
Ujian itu ibarat mendung yang hadir bersamanya hujan. Qalbi(hati ) pula ibarat taman bunga yang indah dihati kita. Tatkala sang mentari memancarkan sinarnya, bunga-bunga kelihatan ceria. Namun, sekiranya berlanjutan tanpa sedikit pun air, maka akan layulah bunga. Oleh itu, hadirnya mendung boleh menyuburkan bunga-bunga tersebut. Selepas mendung menamatkan tugasnya, Allah SWT turunkan pula hujan dan hiaskan taman kita dengan pelangi yang indah nan bersemi.

Begitu jugalah dengan kehidupan. Sekiranya nikmat itu berlanjutan, maka ramailah manusia yang akan lalai dan alpa. Manusia tidak akan terlepas daripada kealpaan dan kelalaian. Kerana itulah, Allah menghadirkan mendung(ujian) sebagai cahaya bagi mereka yang masih mencari kebenaran di dalam kegelapan.

Dengan ujian itulah, Allah SWT menetapkan keimanan hamba-Nya. Subhanallah.. Betapa indahnya ujian. Maka, sekiranya hadir suatu ujian, janganlah menyalahkan takdir tetapi bersyukurlah kerana Allah SWT masih lagi ingat akan diri kita dan ingin kita terus berada di atas jalan yang benar.

Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud,

"Adakah patut kamu menyangka bahawa kamu akan masuk syurga, padahal belum sampai kepada kamu (ujian dan cubaan) seperti yang telah berlaku kepada orang-orang yang terdahulu daripada kamu? Mereka telah ditimpa kepapaan (kemusnahan hartabenda) dan serangan penyakit, serta digoncangkan (oleh ancaman bahaya musuh), sehingga berkatalah Rasul dan orang-orang yang beriman yang ada bersamanya: Bilakah (datangnya) pertolongan Allah?" Ketahuilah sesungguhnya pertolongan Allah itu dekat (asalkan kamu bersabar dan berpegang teguh kepada agama Allah)" (Al-Baqarah :214)

Mengapa kita diuji?

Firman Allah SWT lagi yang bermaksud,

"Dia lah yang telah mentakdirkan adanya mati dan hidup (kamu) - untuk menguji dan menzahirkan keadaan kamu: siapakah di antara kamu yang lebih baik amalnya; dan Ia Maha Kuasa (membalas amal kamu), lagi Maha Pengampun, (bagi orang-orang yang bertaubat)" (Al-Mulk :2)

Walaubagaimanapun, Allah SWT amat menyintai orang-orang yang sabar menghadapi ujian-Nya.

Firman-Nya yang bermaksud,

"Dan berapa banyak dari Nabi-nabi (dahulu) telah berperang dengan disertai oleh ramai orang-orang yang taat kepada Allah, maka mereka tidak merasa lemah semangat akan apa yang telah menimpa mereka pada jalan (agama) Allah dan mereka juga tidak lemah tenaga dan tidak pula mahu tunduk (kepada musuh). Dan (ingatlah), Allah sentiasa mengasihi orang-orang yang sabar." (Ali Imran :146)

Ujian yang diberi-Nya juga mengikut kemampuan masing-masing.

"Allah tidak memberati seseorang melainkan apa yang terdaya olehnya. Ia mendapat pahala kebaikan yang diusahakannya, dan ia juga menanggung dosa kejahatan yang diusahakannya. (Mereka berdoa dengan berkata): "Wahai Tuhan kami! Janganlah Engkau mengirakan kami salah jika kami lupa atau kami tersalah. Wahai Tuhan kami ! Janganlah Engkau bebankan kepada kami bebanan yang berat sebagaimana yang telah Engkau bebankan kepada orang-orang yang terdahulu daripada kami. Wahai Tuhan kami! Janganlah Engkau pikulkan kepada kami apa yang kami tidak terdaya memikulnya. Dan maafkanlah kesalahan kami, serta ampunkanlah dosa kami, dan berilah rahmat kepada kami. Engkaulah Penolong kami; oleh itu, tolonglah kami untuk mencapai kemenangan terhadap kaum-kaum yang kafir." (Surah Al-Baqarah :286)

Justeru, marilah sama-sama kita istiqamah diri kita tatkala ujian hadir melabuhkan tirainya dengan menyambutnya dengan redha sambil mengucapkan "Alhamdulillah".


The energy of sea waves

In every word in the Qur'an there is a miracle, in this article we will study the word "exploited "which means offering a service for no return,…

n the Qur'an there are many signs for many discoveries but first we have to think and concentrate in words of Allah, as He almighty had exploited and offered us many services for no return such as: the sun which offers heat, light and recently the generation of electric energy.

Also Allah had exploited the sea with its different blessings as one of these blessings is to get free benefits from the surface waves and the internal waves of the seas.

From where do these waves come?

Because of the difference in temperature on earth, we find differences in pressure and density from point to another as these differences cause the winds. These winds cause the movement of water on the surface of seas to form waves which moves toward the shore, one advantage of these waves is carrying amount of kinetic energy during its movement from middle of the sea to the shore.

Energy of the surface waves

Today, scientists of energy get benefits from sea waves, as they put special tools on the surface of water, when the waves start to raise and drop these tools, a mechanical motion is generated which produce an electric energy, this energy can be transformed through wires to get benefits from it. [1]

In 1799 monsieur Girard, a French man and his son were the first people to use waves to generate energy.

The energy from currents in oceans

Oceans cover more than 70% of the earth's surface, making them the world's largest solar collectors, so that oceans are considered to be the largest power house on earth. But, what is ocean current energy?

The massive oceanic surface currents of the world are untapped reservoirs of energy. Their total energy flux has been estimated at 2.8 ¥ 1014 (280 trillion) watt-hours. Because of their link to winds and surface heating processes, the ocean currents are considered as indirect sources of solar energy.

These currents exist under the sea surface as there are currents till the deepest point in the sea. [9].

One of the primary advantages of this technology is the energy density. While solar and wind systems are well-suited for remote off grid locations, ocean energy is ideal for large-scale developments in the multiple gigawatt range. Sea water is 832 times as dense as air, providing a 5 knot ocean current with more kinetic energy than a 350 km/h wind.

According to Devon Girard (an expert with Blue Energy and ocean energy developer) the blue energy Power System acts as a series of underwater windmills exposed to daily hurricane forces. The tremendous volume and density of ocean currents allows that technology to satisfy large electricity demands efficiently. Ocean currents are one of the largest untapped renewable energy resources on the planet. Preliminary surveys show a global potential of over 450,000 MW, representing a market of more than US$550 billion.

Here, we have to mention that the Qur'an had preceded scientists to talk about the deep currents in seas which the Qur'an called "waves", God says: (Or [the state of a disbeliever] is like the darkness in a vast deep sea, overwhelmed with waves topped by waves, topped by dark clouds, (layers of) darkness upon darkness: if a man stretches out his hand, he can hard see it! And he for whom Allah has not appointed light, for him there is no light.)(Sûrat an-Nûr - verse 40).

The blue energy

Blue energy is the retrieved energy from the difference in salt concentration between seawater and river water. This byproduct is the result of natural forces that are being harnessed: the flow of fresh water into seas that are made up of salt water. That energy can be used in electric generating. [10], God says: (He has made rivers (also) to be of service to you) (Sûrat Ibrâhîm- verse 32).

Also, Allah almighty says: (Allah, it is He who has subjected to you the sea, that ships may sail through it by His Command, and that you may seek of His Bounty, and that you may be thankful.)(Sûrat Al-Jâthiyah- verse 12), in this verse there is a nice sign that Allah had subjected the sea for us to get benefits from it.

Hence today, we find the scientists are working to generate electric energy from sea waves, offshore wind and inner currents [11].

After all of the above we have to say: (Glory to Him who has subjected this to us, and we could never have it (by our efforts)* and verily, to Our Lord we indeed are to return!) (Sûrat Az-Zukhruf- verse 13-14).


This book sheds light upon a recent discovery centred around one of the most exciting topics in world religion and Islam in particular: the miracles of the Noble Qur’an …

This book sheds light upon a recent discovery centred around one of the most exciting topics in world religion and Islam in particular: the miracles of the Noble Qur’an. After studying thousands of Qur’anic words and passages, I have arrived at what can be considered the discovery of an intricate numeric system that rests within the verses of the Noble Qur’an. By the blessing of God Almighty, I have succeeded – after a detailed and methodical investigation – in proving both the existence and accuracy of this prolific numeric system, which comprehensively covers the Qur’an’s chapters, verses, words and letters.

This new phenomenon will be referred to as the ‘numeric miracle’ of the Qur’an.

The foundation and basis of this numeric system is the number 7, one of the most significant numbers in the Noble Qur’an1 (if not the most significant), and a hint, perhaps, that the Creator of the seven heavens is indeed the One Who sent down this Book, preserving it from distortion.

This work is an attempt at establishing firm scientific and ethical grounds on which to base any study of the numeric miracle. A sound scientific approach must be adhered to whenever Qur’anic numbers are analysed, and this is something that I have honoured throughout this study and hope that fellow researchers will honour as well.

A substantially large collection of profound numerical truths will be conveyed in this book. These include a study of the numeric arrangements found in the first verse of the Qur’an, the first chapter of the Qur’an, and other chapters across the Qur’an such as Surat2 Al-Ikhlas (Chapter: Sincerity), one of the shortest yet most important chapters. Furthermore, the numeric miracle has been analysed with respect to a single verse, a segment of a verse, and in one instance, the numeric consistencies of a single Qur’anic word have been explored.

In addition, this book tries to explain some of the secrets behind the mysterious disconnected letters of the Qur’an. These disconnected letters, which will be called ‘special phrases’, are unique letter combinations found at the beginning of about a quarter of the Qur’an’s chapters, and their meaning, to this very date, remains uncertain. The consensus of Muslim scholars has been that these letters are one of God’s Qur’anic miracles, and that only He knows their full meaning. This is a fact I neither doubt nor dare challenge, and by no means do I claim to have unravelled their entire wonders. Nevertheless, after studying them in much detail, I have reached the firm conclusion that at least one of the miracles inherent in these mystifying letters is indeed a numeric one.