Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

Love Her

♥ Love her …when she sips on your coffee or tea. She only wants to make sure it tastes just right for you.

♥ Love her…when she “pushes” you to pray. She wants to be with you in Jannah (Paradise).

♥ Love her…when she asks you to play with the kids. She did not “make” them on her own.

♥ Love her…when she is jealous. Out of all the men she can have, she chose you

♥ Love her…when she has annoying little habits that drives you nuts. You have them too.

♥ Love her…when her cooking is bad. She tries.

♥ Love her…when she looks disheveled in the morning. She always grooms herself up again.

♥ Love her…when she asks to help with the kids homework. She only wants you to be part of the home.

♥ Love her…when she asks if she looks fat. Your opinion counts, so tell her she’s beautiful.

♥ Love her…when she looks beautiful. She’s yours so appreciate her.

♥ Love her…when she spends hours to get ready. She only wants to look her best for you.

♥ Love her…when she buys you gifts you don’t like. Smile and tell her it’s what you’ve always wanted.

♥ Love her…when she has developed a bad habit. You have many more and with wisdom and politeness you have all the time to help her change.

♥ Love her…when she cries for absolutely nothing. Don’t ask, tell her its going to be okay

♥ Love her…when she suffers from PMS. Buy chocolate, rub her feet and back and just chat to her (trust me this works!)

♥ Love her…when whatever you do is not pleasing. It happens and will pass

♥ Love her…when she stains your clothes. You needed a new thobe (kurta) anyway

♥ Love her…when she tells you how to drive. She only wants you to be safe.

♥ Love her…when she argues. She only wants to make things right for both

♥ Love her…she is yours. You don’t need any other special reason!!!!

♥♥♥All this forms part of a Woman’s Character. Women are part of your life and should be treated as the Queen.♥♥♥

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) advised concerning the woman:

• Treat the women well.

• The best of you are those who are the best in the treatment of their wives.

"there is nothing wrong with this marriage"

There was this beautiful woman, who wanted to get married, but she wanted a very pious husband, so she said that she’ll marry the man who recites the whole Quran every single day, fasts for the whole year and stays awake and worships Allah all throughout the night.

She was a very beautiful woman, and a lot of suitors wanted to marry her, but they knew they couldn’t fulfil the conditions she set. Until this one man stepped forward and said he could fulfil them. So the Imam got both of them married.

After the first night of the marriage, the wife sees that the husband doesn’t recite the whole of the Quran, nor does he fast, nor does he stay awake in the worship of Allah, she decided to let it roll on for a few weeks to see if there were any changes, there weren’t, so she filed a complaint and asked for a divorce.

They are both taken in front of the judge, and the judge asked, ‘What were the conditions of the marriage?’ the man replied ‘They were for me to recite the whole Quran daily, keep fast for the whole year and to worship Allah all throughout the night.’

The Judge asked, ‘ did you fulfil them? The man calmly answered, ‘…yes.’

The judge answers, ‘you lie, your wife has said that you don’t, that’s why she’s asking for a divorce’.

But the man insisted that he had fulfilled the conditions, so the judge asked, ‘did you recite the full Quran everyday?’ The man answered yes. The Judge, baffled asked, ‘how? How can you do that?’ The man coolly answered, ‘I recite Surah Ikhlas three times a day and according to Prophet Muhammad (saw), reciting Surah Ikhlas three times is equivalent to reciting the whole Quran.’ The Judge was intrigued, so he asked, ‘how did you fast the whole year?’ The man answered, ‘ I fasted for the whole month of Ramadan, then kept another six fasts in the month of Shawwal, according to Prophet Muhammad (saw), keeping all of the fast of Ramadan then keeping six fasts in the month of Shawwal, is as if you have fasted for the whole year.’

The Judge remained silent, he couldn’t give a reply saying the man was wrong, so finally he asked, ‘ how did you stay awake all night and worship Allah, when your wife saw you sleeping?’ The Judge thought the man wouldn’t be able to answer this one, but the man, cool as a cucumber answered, ‘I prayed Salatul Isha with jamaat, then the next day prayed Salatul Fajr with jamaat, according to Prophet Muhammad (saw), the one who prays Salatul Isha and Salatul Fajr with jamaat, it is as if he had stayed up all night worshipping Allah.’

The Judge sat there looking at the man; the final verdict was about to be released…

He said to the man and his wife, ‘…go, just go, there is nothing wrong with this marriage’…

Safety Tips for Muslim Women

As Muslims and their institutions become targets of harassment in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attack, Muslim women, especially those who dress Islamically, have become major targets. Reports of Muslim women being yelled at, threatened, having their Hijabs pulled off and having guns pointed at them have surfaced. It is necessary that the whole community rallies to defend Muslim women. But sisters also have to take personal precautions when they go outside. Like it or not, they will be targets.  
Here are some safety tips for sisters
 1. Always be aware of your surroundings This applies whether you are travelling alone or in groups. Don't just focus inwardly on your thoughts if you are alone, or your friends if you are together. Keep one eye out for your environment, looking out for suspicious characters, possible danger, etc. Also, don't assume that because your area has been "safe" thus far, that it will continue to be so.

2. Travel in groups "There is safety in numbers" is not just a cliché. It's true. Make a point of traveling together with other sisters, whether it's on public transportation, on campus, in cars, etc.

3. Change the route you normally travel by. If you've taken the same bus,train or highway to get to work or school, change your route. Even if it takes you a little longer, your safety is more important. By changing your route, you can avert possible attacks or harassment from those who know your schedule, method and route of travel well. Please note though that you should avoid short cuts that take you through unfamiliar or unsafe areas.

 4. When traveling by public transportation choose the right seat; If you are traveling by bus or train, do not sit on the window seat as you may be "blocked in" by a potential assailant. Always select the seat next to the aisle so that you can quickly leave if necessary. If you are taking public transportation alone after peak hours, sit as close to the driver as possible and/or choose the section of the bus/train that is most crowded. Try to get a seat near the exit as well.

5. If you are driving alone Don't think that if you are in a car, you're safe. Windows should be up and doors locked even when driving to avoid unwanted passengers at intersections. When you are walking to your car, always have your keys ready, so that you can quickly get into your car. But don't just get in right away. Always check your car before entering, especially the back, for any intruders.

6. Never leave your car door unlocked Even if it means for one minute to drop something off in the mailbox that's a few feet away. Attackers have been known to lie in wait for such an opportunity.

7. Be careful in parking lots Always be alert in parking lots, especially when it's dark. Ask someone to escort you to your car. Between cars and inside cars, it's easy for someone to hide and wait until an unalert person comes along.

8. If you are traveling by taxi Always check the identification of the driver (usually located near the visor) and ensure that it matches the driver. Once inside, don't sit behind the driver as it may be easy for the driver to lock the rear passenger door. Always choose the adjacent seat. In addition, avoid flagging taxis. Always order taxis so the driver can be traced if something happens.

9. Note "safe houses" along your route Mentally note houses at intervals on each route you take that can be used as "safe houses" if you are attacked, such as shops or houses that you know to be occupied by a friend or acquaintance.

10. When you make a call from a phone booth After dialing the number you wish to call always turn around so that you have your back to the phone and may see who or what is coming your way. You will then be able to tell the person to whom you are speaking that you may be in trouble and you may be able to use the weight of the phone as a weapon. The door of a telephone box could be used to wedge in the limbs of the attacker.

11. Do not open the door of your home without first checking from a window, peephole or by asking and verifying who it is. Instruct children to do the same.

12. Report any suspicious activity around your home If you see people loitering on the streets near your house, call the police on a non emergency number and report it.

13. Invest in a cell / mobile phone This is an invaluable safety device. Keep it with you at all times and keep emergency numbers on it. Also, keep it next to your bed before you go to bed at night.

 14. Parking tips: Avoid parking in areas that are not well lit. Where possible, park close to a school or work entrance or in a parking garage that has an attendant. If you see a suspicious person approaching or hanging around near your parked car, turn around and go back to an area where there are other people. Try to get an escort to your car through the campus or job security or local police.

15. Tell others about your whereabouts: Parents, spouses and friends should know where you are going and when you will be back, so that your absence will be noticed. Arrange a call in system with a friend if you live alone, whereby you call when you arrive home.

16. Trust your instincts: If you are walking somewhere and feel strange or scared, don't ignore this feeling. Take extra precautions by walking a little faster to get to a more populated or well-lit area or change the route you've been driving on.

 17. If you think you are being followed, change your route and activity. You can cross the street, change directions, or enter a populated building or store. Do whatever is necessary to avoid being alone with the person who is following you. Inform a police officer or security official about the follower.

18. Attract attention if you are in a dangerous situation. Get others' to pay attention to what's happening to you if you are under attack or being harassed. You can alert others by honking a car horn or loudly describing what is happening.

19. NEVER admit that you are alone: If someone calls your home and asks if you are alone, NEVER admit it. Ask who the caller is. If they refuse to identify themselves, calmly hangup. Keep the radio on in the house so that callers will get the impression that others are in the home too. Instruct children to do the same when they pick up the phone.

20. Obscene phone calls: If you receive an obscene call or a crank call, do not talk to the caller. Hang up if the caller doesn't say anything, or as soon as s/he shouts obscenities. Hang up the phone calmly and do not slam it down. Note down the date and time of the calls. If they are persistent, inform local police.

 21. If you are a student: Avoid studying in isolated classrooms in parts of the college campus that are not regularly patrolled by the school's security officers.

22. In large buildings take the elevator, not the stairwell. Stairwells are usually quiet and dark. Most people take the elevator. But if someone creepy gets on, don't hesitate to get off at the same time. Or, if someone is already on the elevator who you feel strange about, do not get on and wait for the next elevator.

There, the (only) protection comes from Allah, the True One. He is the Best to reward, and the Best to give success. [Holy Quran 18:44]

Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

The Shipwreck

The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island .... He prayed feverishly for Allah to rescue him,and every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming. Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect him from the elements and to store his few possessions. But then one day, after scavenging for food,he arrived home to find his little hut in flames, the smoke rolling up to the sky. The worst had happened;everything was lost. He was stunned with grief and anger. "Allah, how could you do this to me!" he cried. (Comment; Plenty of people use such statement,think again you should never question Allah nor object to his willing) Early the next day, however, he was awakened by the sound of a ship that was approaching the island. It had come to rescue him. "How did you know I was here?" asked the weary man of his rescuers. "We saw your smoke signal," they replied. It is easy to get discouraged when things are going badly. But we shouldn't lose heart, because Allah is at work in our lives, even in the midst of pain and suffering. Remember, next time your little hut is burning to the ground, it just may be a smoke signal that summons the grace of Allah.