Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

Muslim women are supposed to be sexy?!


Please NOTE: there are only 100 “seats” 67 seats 28 seats 9 seats available now in this
**This message is rated MA, which means that it’s ONLY for MArried women (or women who want to get married).

I have a question for you, sister…

When was the last time you wore something sexy?

On your honeymoon? Before you started wearing hijab? Never?

Well if you’re married, sexy clothes should be staple items in your wardrobe… At least that’s what your husband probably thinks.

No matter how much he doesn’t mind you being comfy in your sweats, t-shirts and flannels, your husband would LOVE to see you looking sexy once in a while… And be honest, don’t YOU want to look sexy too?

Hopefully you have a good husband who tries his best to look away from all of the half-naked women that he comes across every single day. He knows that he’s supposed to “lower his gaze” and he knows that he has a beautiful wife – YOU – to come home to… But what do you look like when he gets home?

Is your hair done, or is it a mess?

Are you wearing the same raggedy old clothes that you wore two days ago?

Did you even shower before he came home? (Be honest!)

Let me ask you another question: Have you ever felt inadequate in comparison to “celebrities” on TV or women that you encounter in your everyday life?

Well here’s the thing…

You don’t have to compete with those women for your husband’s affection because he already loves you… Now let’s grab his attention and make him love the way you look. Better yet, let’s make him drool over you… think about you all day while he’s at work… stare at you with passionate desire when you’re in his presence…

No matter what size you wear, what hair you have, or how much money you have, YOU CAN become the object of your husband’s desire.

I’ll teach you everything you need to know when you join my Secrets Of Halal Sexiness Class. You’ll learn:

…What makes a woman desirable
…How to LOVE your body and be confident in your own skin
…How to be naturally beautiful
…How to dress attractively no matter what your body type is – without spending a lot of $$$
…How to create a sensual environment for yourself and your husband to enjoy
…How to create romance without waiting for him to do it first
…And much more…

Secrets Of Halal Sexiness is a two week “virtual class” that you will participate in from the privacy and comfort of your own home. The class will be taught via LIVE teleconferences. I will teach each lesson over the phone and you will be able to interact with me and ask questions.

There will be 6 lessons, which are:

Lesson 1: Sexy Mind
Believe it or not, the sexiest part of a woman’s body is not her booty or her breasts… It’s her BRAIN. Being a sexy woman starts with creating a sexy mindset, and in this lesson, you’ll learn how to enhance your relationship just by using your thoughts, how to boost your confidence, how to stop comparing yourself to other women, and how to exude sexiness from within.

Lesson 2: Detox YOU
There is no point in looking good if your body and environment don’t give off the same feeling. In this lesson you’ll get rid of the physical “junk” that is cluttering your body and your home so that you can make room for romance.

Lesson 3: Beautiful Body
In this lesson, you’ll discover your assets and accept your “flaws”. You’ll also learn how to take good care of your body – from getting fit to grooming painlessly.

Lesson 4: Dress to Impress
Learn the essentials of an attractive wardrobe, how to be comfy and cute at the same time, how to be alluring from head to toe, and the easiest way to create a sultry makeup look.

Lesson 5: Sexy Space
Learn how to create a sensual, private space where you and your husband can go to relax, let go, and enjoy each other’s company – even if you have a house full of kids.

Lesson 6: Cultivating Romance
Don’t wait for your husband to turn into Prince Charming. If you want romance, you need to create it, and this lesson will teach you how. Being romantic is fun and your husband will love the initiative!

Are you ready to be a modest lady in the street and a Sexy Woman at home?

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