Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

20 Unseen Miracles

The prophet peace be upon him says: (day of resurrection will not come till money increases between you …

1- Prophet Mohamed peace be upon him told us about many signs for the imminence of day of resurrection as he said: (one of these signs is that money will increase and trade will increase) [Narrated by Al-Nasaei] today, trade became the backbone of the world economy. That wasn’t known at the time of the prophet when trade was known but agriculture was the most famous activity. Who told our prophet about that?

2- The prophet said that day of resurrection will not come till: (husband obeys his wife and to be impious to his mother and turns away from his father){Narrated by Al-Termizi} ,today courts are full of cases between parents and sons and daughters because of the impiety of those sons and daughters ……. that wasn’t known at the time of the prophet. Researchers confirm that the phenomenon of impiety is increasing which is a clear evidence that day of resurrection is near .The question is, who told our prophet about that?

3- The prophet peace be upon him says: (day of resurrection will not come till money increases between you){narrated by Al- Bukari}, today we can see there are a lot of money between people so that we can find some people who possess billions, this phenomenon wasn’t known at the time of the prophet, don’t we be ready for day of resurrection?

4- Today, women are playing a vital role in economic and politics and also they have a basic role in factories, information and many trading positions and there are separate associations for business women. All of these weren’t known at the time of the prophet and no on even thought that it may happen. The prophet peace be upon him said: (day of resurrection will not come till women participates withtheir husbands in trade) {narrated by Ahmed}, Glory to Allah Almighty.

5- The prophet says: (day of resurrection will not come till man do adultery with woman in the street), look at some western countries where people are used to do such action in the streets and on beaches. Unfortunately some Muslim countries are used to imitate these western countries. Who told prophet Mohamed peace be upon him about that?.

6- The prophet said: (wait for day of resurrection to come if people waste the trust) {narrated by Al- Bukari}, today, we can see many cases in courts because of wasting the trust between people. We can find millions of cases because of embezzlement and cheating. That wasn’t known at the time of the prophet and no one ever imagined that trust between people will be lost.It is a proof that Mohamed peace be upon him is a prophet from Allah Almighty.

7- Today, we can hear some rumors about the imminence of day of resurrection, one of these rumors that day of resurrection will be in December 2012 because scientists said that some horrible phenomena will occur on that day. The truth is in December 2012 some usual phenomena will happen. Allah Almighty says about day of resurrection: (They ask you about the Hour (Day of Resurrection): "When will be its appointed time?" Say: "The knowledge thereof is with my Lord (Alone). None can reveal its time but He. Heavy is its burden through the heavens and the earth. It shall not come upon you except all of a sudden." They ask you as if you have a good knowledge of it. Say: "The knowledge thereof is with Allah (Alone) but most of mankind know not."){Sûrat Al-A‘râf-The Heights-verse187}

8- The prophet said”one of the signs for the imminence of day of resurrection is that men will imitate women and women will imitate men”{narrated by Abo-Naeem} now, this phenomenon is spreading and we can find many countries that allow marriage between man and man and also between woman and woman. That wasn’t known at the time of the prophet, who told him this future phenomenon? Isn’t clear evidence that Mohamed peace be upon him is a prophet from Allah Almighty?

9- The prophet says (adultery and drinking alcohol are signs for the imminence of day of resurrection)[Narrated by Al-Bukhari], if we walk around in the streets of many countries we can find people are drinking alcohol and performing adultery and because of that AIDS is around us in all over the world. Who told the prophet peace be upon him about that?

10- (Appearance of pen…)[Narrated by Ahmed] is one of the signs that day of resurrection is near according to the saying of the prophet peace be upon him. Today, we can see the magnificent development in writing by using computers in magazines, newspapers and books as there are millions of printed papers in a daily basis. Who told the prophet this piece of information at the time when only a few number of people were perfectly writing in the entire city of Mekka. This is clear evidence that Mohamed peace be upon him is a prophet from Allah Almighty.

11- The prophet said: (“me and day of resurrection are sent like those”and he referred by his two fingers) [Narrated by Al-Bukhari].the scientists say that the age of universe is 13.5 billion years andthe age of man is indeed less than that because Allah Almighty sent the prophet only 1400 years ago and if we divides 1400 by 13,500,000,000 theresultis0.0000001

Hence the prophetic likening is precise to demonstrate that day of resurrection is so near to us.

12- The prophet said about one of the signs for the imminence of day of resurrection: (people will build high buildings…) [narrated by Al-bukhari and Muslim], now we see many countries are racing to build the tallest building like these skyscrapers, who told the prophet peace be upon him this piece of future information1400 years ago?

13- The prophet said: (day of resurrection will not come till trials appear, lying increases, markets becomes near to each other and time converges) [narrated by Ahmed]

Today, it is easy to find all of these phenomena as we find lot of trials, lying and the excessive use of information technology which made markets so closed to each other. Who told our prophet peace be upon himabout all of that?

14- The prophet peace be upon him said: (day of resurrection will not come till science disappear)[narrated by Al- Bukhari], today we can find some scholars who permit usury, accept kiss between man and woman and allow smoking in the holy month of Ramadan. Today, some TV stations let those kind of scholars to appear on air and speaks to people, isn’t right that science disappears and illiteracy appears?

15- The prophet peace be upon him said :( some people will permit alcohol and will name it by different names) {narrated by Ahmed} today, there are different names for alcohol such as beer, vodka, whisky, all of these names weren’t known at the time of the prophet, who told him this information?

16- The prophet peace be upon him said: (day of resurrection will not come tillyou see some great things that you didn’t see before or even talked yourselves about it.)[narrated by Ahmed], look at all of these new inventions such as internet, mobiles, TV, weapons , some diseases like AIDS and swine flu,…..all of these are clear evidences that Mohamedis a prophet from Allah Almighty.

17- The prophet peace be upon him said to his companions: (at the end of the time you will find humiliation,defamation and metamorphosis, they asked when and the prophet replied when you see a lot of musicinstrumentsand songstresses) [narrated by IbnMaga].

Today, you can see the Widespreadof music all over the world and also those tens of thousands of women dancers and singers. Also, there are thousands of satellite channels that presentdancing and singing day and night. This phenomenon wasn’t known at the time of the prophet, and no one ever predicted that this phenomenon may occur one day.

18- Before Islam people used to believe that Sirius star is a god who can benefit and harm people, but the Qur’an corrected this wrong beliefand confirmed that Sirius is a star which was created by Allah Almighty who says: (And that He (Allah) is the Lord of Sirius (the star which the pagan Arabs used to worship)){Sûrat An-Najm -The Star -verse49},isn’t a clear evidence that Islam is a divine religion as it let people get rid of the habit of worshiping some creatures that cause no harm or benefit.

19- Allah Almighty says: (And they will find all that they did, placed before them){Sûrat Al-Kahf -The Cave-verse49},this verse confirms that man will find what he or she did in front of him or her ,the question is how can we imagine that man may find all of previous events between his or her hands? The Theory of relativity say that if we became able to move in a speed equals to the light speed ,time will stop at that point and if we exceeds that speed we might be able to see the past events. Glory to Allah Almighty

20- The scientists say that the universe is expanding till vacuums and gaps occurs which will cause the universe to collapse. Allah Almighty told us about this cosmicphenomenon as He Almighty says:(When the heaven is cleft asunder){Sûrat Al-Infitâr-verse1},glory to Allah Almighty.


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