Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Senin, 11 Juni 2012

••• An Incident which will make you SMILE •••

One hot day, an old man was relaxing under the shade of a walnut tree. Admiring the tree, he started wondering why the huge pumpkins grew on vines and the small walnuts grew on a majestic tree.

"Sometimes I just don't understand the ways of ALLAH!" He mused. why did He make tiny walnuts grow on such a majestic tree and huge pumpkins on delicate vines!

Just then a walnut snapped off and fell on the man's bald head.

"Ouch!" he moaned with pain. He got up at once, raised his hands and said:

"O Allah! Forgive me when I whine and question your wisdom!

You are All- Wise...What would have happened to me now, if pumpkins grew on trees?!"

Moral ♥ : Never question the wisdom of Allah Subhan wa Ta'ala for He is Al-Hakeem, the All-Wise...the best of Planners.

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