Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Senin, 25 Maret 2013

Life Is Never Flat

That's real ! if LIFE IS NEVER FLAT,every problem come to our life without see our condition, sad, happy,sick,or anything. 
Using GOOD perspective to see all trouble in your life. we can't blamed, fate from the God for us.

your trouble just EXAM in this world. 
smile for all your trouble and say,  
" hey problem, i have God"  'DONT SAY'  "God, i have Problem"

Everything will be okay, when u believe from deeply of your heart if YOU CAN SOLVE it.

let's see my graphic, about simple Rules of Happiness i think that's enough clear to make you, open your eyes, ears, and heart, if sometime we re need to be a realisme to see this life, because not everything can u bring to your idealisme mind :)


 "God will never give trial for a human beyond their ability"
(al-Baqarah 286)

" lets smile,life must go on,this breath its too short to you spent with sadness " ^_^

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