Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

Happy Milad My Self :))

♥ Alhamdulillah :)
♥ praise to Allah :)
♥ thanks mom , dad, abang, and my little lovely brother :)
♥ thanks for all my sista, all my brother
♥ thanks for YOU ( u be the first again this year ) :*

They are my smile, they re my spirit they re my love

now i have 18 years old, not child again
thanks for it God, u still give me chance to be better, u still love me ♥

u still give me all the people who love me, mom,dad,my bro, my sist and Him ..
u are the Best My Allah although i'm always make much mistake without thinking how's ur feeling :( sorry for it,
Now, u give me one time again, to make everything be better or stay be okay :)

Usia yang Allah SWT karuniakan ini, hiasilah ia dengan amalan yang murni. Semoga ia menjadi temanmu di akhirat nanti.

"Dan kesejahteraan semoga dilimpahkan kepadaku, pada hari aku dilahirkan, pada hari aku meninggal dan pada hari aku dibangkitkan hidup kembali". [QS:19:33]

amiin :)
once again THANK YOU ALLAH


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