Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

Husnuzhon, and The Way Will be Shown

I want to share a story about one of my friend, she's been practicing Law Of Attraction for almost two month before this scenario took place. Recently, she had to fly to oversea for a few days for some reason. Her flight will be departure most probably at 8.00 pm and she have to be there at least one hour before departure. She have already make a preparation a day before, packing up everything, and on that day, her relative sent her to airport in the afternoon. I received her call when she was on her way to the airport.

My Friend : Everything turn upside down! Why this thing happen? even i have focus and give commitment to make everything smooth! What's wrong with my focus? Did i make something wrong?

Me: Why? What happen, be cool..

My friend : Firstly, Only after we past the toll, i realize that i am wearing my old garbage shoes! I have bought a new shoes for this event, but i forgot that I have left it home! I got into the car without changing my shoes!

Me: what? Hahaha...

My friend : Secondly, its my bag! i can't pull the zip! I got a lot of stuff to bring! and i don't wanna leave any single of it...i think now its more than my weight excess limit..may be i have to pay extra for the excess...

Me: (speechless).. Control your emotion..

My Friend : And for my bonus, why must this thing came to me at this moment? Its not the time yet, It should be another week! Do you understand what i mean?

Me: No..I don't

My Friend : I mean menstrual period lol!..its not the time yet!..

Me : owh..sorry...Ok..Ok..can you please calm down? and take a deep breath? And pray to Allah

My Friend : I'm trying..but I'm really frust..anyway thanks for your advice..the phone line is not so good, your voice is breaking up...

and the line cut....and what I can do is to pray for her, may Allah ease her on every situation.

And that night, just a few minute before her flight departure, I got a text message from her..

Hi there, everything is just fine...

1. About my shoes, my dad just bought for me an expensive branded shoes at the airport and Its one of my dream shoes.

2. He also bought me a bigger baggage, only after that we realize that my small bag is only for 3kg. So, after changing the baggage, all my stuff is still below the excess limit.

3. Because of the menstrual period, I don't have to worried about my solat, either to jama' or qasar, God ease me and helped me a lot! Syukur Alhamdulillah. Ok, see you then, and thanks.

So, there is always a good reason and explanation beyond everything that we assume as a bad luck. Be positive, Husnuzhon, and we will be shown..

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

65:2 With that is admonished he who believes in Allah and the Latter Day. And whoever keeps his duty to Allah, He ordains a way out for him,

65:3 And gives him sustenance from whence he imagines not. And whoever trusts in Allah, He is sufficient for him. Surely Allah attains His purpose. Allah indeed has appointed a measure for everything.

(At-Talaq : 2,3)

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