Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

Air mata Bunda

Seorang anak bertanya pada Allah, “Ya Allah kenapa bundaku suka menangis?” Allah menjawab, “Karna bundamu seorang wanita, Aku ciptakan ia sebagai makhluk yang sangat istimewa. Aku kuatkan bahunya untuk menjaga anak-anaknya, Aku lembutkan hatinya untuk memberi rasa aman, Aku kuatkan rahimnya untuk menyimpan benih manusia, Aku teguhkan pribadinya untuk terus berjuang saat orang lain menyerah, Aku beri dia rasa sensitif untuk mencintai anak-anaknya dalam keadaan apapun, Aku kuatkan batinnya untuk tetap menyayangi meski disakiti oleh anak-anaknya atau suaminya sekalipun, Aku beri dia kekuatan untuk mendorong suaminya belajar dari kesalahan, Aku beri dia keindahan untuk melindungi batin suaminya. bundamu adalah makhluk yang sangat kuat. jika suatu saat kau melihatnya menangis, itu karna Aku beri dia air mata yang bisa digunakan sewaktu-waktu untuk membasuh luka batinnya sekaligus untuk memberinya kekuatan baru.


Defenisi : Inner beauty adalah kecantikan yang terpancar dari dalam hati nurani.
Inner beauty muncul dari hati anda, terpancarkan melalui sikap anda.
Kecantikan fisik akan hilang 10 atau 20 tahun yang akan datang, akan tetapi inner beauty akan tetap jadi milik anda.
kelompok wanita :
1. Wanita sempurna, cantik di luar dan cantik di dalam
2. Wanita standar, wajah biasa tapi cantik di dalam
3. Wanita yang jutek, wajah cantik tapi sikap jelek
4. Wanita yang kasihan, wajah standar dan sikapnya buruk.
1. Bersih dan rapi
2. Cerdas dan ceria
3. Lembut tapi tegas
4. Penuh cinta
5. Peduli
6. Pandai mendengar dan bijak berkata
7. Teratur dalam tindakan
sabella Rosselini : “Saya percaya kecantikan adalah ekspressi dari keunikan seseorang. Kita bisa menciptakan gaya kita sendiri dan merumuskan cara-cara baru untuk tampil cantik”.
Lihat model kita
1. Pakai jilbab warnanya sesuai dengan baju yang dipakai
2. Kerudung syar’I
3. Aksen pada jilbab
4. Jilbab rapi
5. Siluet jilbab menarik
6. Baju syar’I
7. Ukuran baju proporsional
8. Warna pakaian keseluruhan tidak lebih dari 3 warna
9. Sepatu bersih
10. Warna pakaian selaras dengan warna kulit
Abraham Lincoln : “ Tuhan lebih menyukai orang orang yang wajahnya biasa-biasa saja. Itu sebabnya, dia menciptakan begitu banyak orang-orang seperti itu
Untuk bisa jadi si inner beauty maka tingkatkan pesona Anda :
Di mata Allah : Allah melihat hatimu *Hadist*
Contoh : Ibunda Siti Hajar dan Hajar Ismail
Pesona Semu :
Motif : Mendapat simpati/ atensi manusia semata
Masa : Temporal
Ekspos: Peran panggung “Drama Turgi”
Buah : Split personality
Modal : Kecantikan fisik
Pesona Sejati :
Motif : Ibadah kepada Allah
Masa : Abadi
Ekspos : Ikhlas, ketaqwaan
Buah : Nafsul Muthmainah
Modal : Kecerdasan akal, kecantikan hati dan banyak beramal
1. Mengejar Ilmu yang bermanfaat
2. Memperbanyak tafakur (merenungi kebesaran Allah), muhasabah (introspeksi) dan husnuzhon (perasangka baik) pada Allah SWT
1. Mencintai Allah dan Rosul di atas segala cinta serta mengembangkan rasa ukhuwah (simpati & empati) pada sesama muslim dan jiwa rahmatan lil alamin pada seluruh makhluk Allah.
2. Banyak mengingat kematian dan bekal untuk kehidupan sesudahnya.
3. Ya Rabbana, Ya Ghaniyyu, Ya Hamid, cantikkanlah hati kami. Berikanlah cahaya dari depan dan belakang, dari samping kanan dan kiri, dari atas dan bawah kami. Masukkanlah cahaya dalam jiwa kami dan jadikanlah kami cahaya…amin
Ada 5 perkara:
1. Baca Qur’an dan maknanya
2. Sholat malam dirikanlah
3. Berkumpullah dengan orang sholeh
4. Perbanyaklah berpuasa
5. Dzikir malam perpanjanglah
1. Aktifitas lisan yang bernilai zikir, menghindari keluh kesah dan kesia-siaan.
2. Melakukan muroqobatullah dengan memperbanyak amalan-amalan sunnah (sholat sunnah, shoum sunnah, membaca Al Qur’an)
3. Berteman dengan orang sholih dalam lingkungan yang baik
4. Rajin Qiyamullail
5. Menghindar dari maksiat.
1. Untuk mendapat bibir menawan, ucapkan kata-kata kejujuran dan kebaikan
2. Untuk mata yang indah, carilah kebaikan pada diri setiap orang dan kendalikan pada saatnya
3. Untuk badan langsing, berbagi makanan dengan mereka yang kelaparan
4. Untuk tubuh yang indah, berjalanlah dengan ilmu pengetahuan
5. Untuk tangan yang cantik, pakai gelang ukhuwwah dan rajin menolong
6. Untuk rambut indah jauhkan prasangka
7. Untuk kulit bersinar perbanyak baca al-qur’an dan ibadah malam
Kiat inner beauty
1. Ikut tarbiyah
2. Tergabung dalam sanggar atau komunitas islam
3. Punya cita-cita
Sumber : Kingkin Anida

Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

The only we can do ...

You're heard..
Please don't say we did not put any on you..
We've tried our best..
But still the devils cut the mood..
You keep it on, and always on..
An alarm on us..
"Keep the record on play"..

They got the big ones..
Solid and sophisticated..
There's no need to be surprised..
Coz all that are sponsored..
They're doin' their jobs..
And so do we..

We're not heroes..
Chosen by God to be the most powerful on earth..
But we're heroes inside, at the heart..
That's what they fear most..
Save our 'world'..
Save our heart, save it..

It has been written..
From a long, long time ago..
They won, but get nothing..
We'll win in addition to that, we'll be free in eternal happiness..
None can endow to us..
Except Him..

~ If you have some time, spend it on Armageddon War..Then, you'll discover why the Israelis tried so hard to kill all Gazans..How thclee nuar has an effect on all modern weapons as well as transportations..Only on that day, all of us will be experiencing the ancient times; using old weapons to fight (no more bombs, etc), use animals as transportations etc..This is what they (Israelis) fear most..Our firm heart, our integrity, our faith..So, save it...

Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

Preparation for Meetings

No matter how informal the meeting, preparation in advance can improve the effectiveness of the meeting itself. When planning a meeting, visualize in advance how the meeting will unfold: who will stand where, how long the presentations will last, how the meeting will be organized.

When sending materials in advance of the meeting, be clear what home work you are asking attendees to do. For example, if you send a document for review, ask for comments on specific aspects of the document - different reviewers are asked to comment on substance, design, and editorial issues. If you've been asked to prepare for a meeting, allow plenty of time to finish the work before the meeting starts. If you haven't been asked to prepare, double-check with the organizer to be sure nothing is expected of you in advance. Occasionally it is necessary to ask someone to speak on a topic for which they have not been asked to prepare. Courtesy dictates that you inform the others in attendance that the person is speaking off the cuff.

Even if you expect guests to prepare for the meeting, bring enough copies of the agenda and of the handouts for everyone who attends, along with notes from the previous meeting if applicable.

Choose a meeting location that suits the occasion - right size, convenient location, appropriate technological capabilities, proper ventilation, space to hang coats, etc. Then, make sure the room is outfitted with the appropriate amenities and equipment to make the guests comfortable and the meeting effective.

Tables and chairs. There should be enough room for everyone to sit down and spread out at the conference table. It is a show of courtesy and respect not to make guests bring their own chairs to a meeting. For a large meeting or conference, it may be necessary to arrange with facilities professionals to provide sufficient chairs. Investigate lead times for such services as soon as you know you will be organizing a meeting.

Atmosphere. If the room is cool at the beginning of the meeting, it will warm up to a comfortable temperature as the meeting unfolds. Check lighting, including dimmer switches. Practice dimming the lights and covering the windows for audiovisual presentations. For a larger meeting, be sure the speaker is well lit and visible from the back of the room.

Accommodations. Make sure all guests are fully able to participate: the room is accessible by wheelchair, interpreters are present, and other disabilities are accommodated.

Sound. Test all microphones and amplification equipment before guests arrive. Stand in various parts of the room to be sure the sound is neither echoed nor muffled. Check battery levels on cordless equipment.

Supplies. Arrange for flipcharts and markers, notebooks, pens, sticky notes, pencils, nametags, podiums, projection screens, video equipment, and other materials required by the speakers. If the meeting is off site, it may be worth bringing your own meeting supplies if you are unsure about the venue.

Note taking. One person should be responsible for keeping an official record of the meeting. Designate that person in advance. Formal meetings may call for an audiotape record. Use video sparingly, for example at conferences and shareholders' meetings. Video makes the tenor of the meeting more formal and may discourage participation.

Refreshments. If guests are coming in from outside the organization, refreshments are in order. Order bottled water and a variety of other drinks and food that is easy to eat without spilling or leaving crumbs. Decide in advance what restaurant will supply lunch to avoid unnecessary discussions, and take into account your guests' dietary restrictions when reviewing menus. Regular work meetings may not call for food and beverages.

Breaks. Give attendees a rest approximately every 90 minutes. Some meetings may need only 5- to 10-minute breaks. If refreshments are served, a 15-minute break is typically needed. As the meeting breaks, say specifically what time the meeting will resume to ensure that everyone returns promptly.

Interruptions. If the room has a telephone, make sure it is set to "Do Not Disturb." If necessary, post a sign on the door saying a meeting is in session. Let support staff know what types of interruptions are permitted.

- Jo Schlegel, Editor-in-Chief

Personal Appearance And First Impressions

The first impression that a person makes on others is dependent in a large measure on his appearance. How many times are heard such statements as, "I'll never forget how she looked the first time I saw her," or, "Do you remember the queer hat he wore the first time he came here?" First impressions are lasting; so it is important that they be the right kind.


The first essential for a pleasing personal appearance is the bath. Generally, a clean skin is a healthy skin. Take a thorough soapy tub or shower bath daily in the winter as well as in the summer. A sponge bath is a poor substitute for a tub or shower at any time. Use plenty of soap and rub the body vigorously, for a shower or tub bath without soap does not remove perspiration, dead skin, or the oily skin secretions. Give particular attention to the neck, ears, elbows, and armpits. Do not use a soap that is too strong. Rinse the soap carefully from the body. Be sure to use a good deodorant or nonperspirant as often as is necessary.


Never leave powder or rouge on the face overnight. Wash the face with plenty of soap and warm water. If the face smarts and burns, the soap may be of the wrong kind; try some other pure soap. Rinse the face well in cold water after using soap. If the water seems to dry the face, apply a cream after you wash for the night. This is especially important in windy, dry climates.

If the use of soap and water on the face does not seem desirable, a cleansing cream may be used to remove dirt and make-up. A thin cream that melts without much rubbing when it is applied to the face and neck should be chosen, for too much rubbing tends to force the dirt into the pores. Remove the cream with cleansing tissue. Several applications of cream may be needed if the tissues continue to show soil. If the skin has a greasy feeling after the cream has been used, select a brand that contains less oil. Cosmeticians at drug stores, department stores, or beauty shops will help you select the cream that is best for your skin.

Use the shade of powder that matches the skin tone and rouge and lipstick that give a healthy pink. When lipstick is too vivid or is spread on too thickly, a hard, unnatural appearance is given to the mouth. Lipstick should be applied with regard to the size and shape of the mouth.

If you do not know the shade of face powder, rouge, or lipstick that is the most becoming to you, consult a cosmetician. If this is impossible, write to the Education Department of the company that manufactures your favorite cosmetics and ask for a complexion analysis and a make-up chart. Send a description of your complexion-very light, fair, medium, ruddy, olive, sallow, or freckled; the condition of your skin-normal, oily, or dry; the color of your eyes, hair, and lashes; and your age. Describe your skin problems and ask for advice.

The Shave

Men should shave often enough to keep the face looking clean. Many men shave every morning and again in the evening. After shaving, rinse the face, neck, and ears with warm water to remove any trace of lather; then use an antiseptic lotion and a slightly tinted, aftershaving powder. The lotion cools and heals, and the powder removes the glow.


The important thing to remember about eyebrows is that there should be two of them. There should be no hair above the nose connecting the two. Pluck the hairs above the nose and any other unruly hairs that make uneven lines over the eyes; be careful to keep the natural line of the eyebrow. Also, avoid the thin pencil line eyebrow, which gives an artificial appearance to the face. Use a small brush on the eyebrows night and morning to remove surplus powder and to train them to lie in the right direction.


The hair should be shampooed often enough to keep it clean and free from oil, for oil absorbs dust and dirt. Under ordinary conditions, the hair should be washed every ten days. If the hair is unusually oily, it should be washed every week or even twice a week. If the hair is rather dry, it should not be shampooed oftener than once every two weeks. Persons who wash their hair often generally do not have dandruff. Men should use just enough hair oil to keep the hair in place if it is unruly. By all means, do not soak the hair in oil, for that defeats the purpose of the shampoo. The hair should be trimmed often enough to give an appearance of neatness. Don't let the neck get shaggy.

Women should arrange their hair in a way that is becoming to them. Not every new style is becoming to all types. An elaborate hairdress tends to make a person look older. A simple hair style that does not need continual attention during the business or school day is preferable to the elaborate one that seems to demand much attention. The elaborate hairdress, if it is becoming to you, is appropriate for evening affairs. Before you decide on a new hairdress, study your features carefully and keep in mind the following general principles. A center part increases the width of the face and emphasizes the nose. Therefore, it is becoming to the woman who has a long, slender face if her nose is one of her best features.

A part high on the side may offset the wide appearance of the face that is too broad.

Large ears tend to widen the face and should be covered or partly covered to decrease the width of the face. The face will appear longer if the tips of the ears show.

A "tailored" hairdress, unless it is too severe, will make a long, thin nose appear less conspicuous. Loose, natural-looking waves tend to conceal irregular features; tight, narrow waves tend to reveal them.

The too-high forehead should be covered or partly covered to decrease the length of the face. Remember that others see the back as well as the front of your head. If your neck is long and thin, the hair should be worn low to make the neck appear shorter; but if you have a short, thick neck, avoid the low, wide arrangement of the hair at the back of the neck.

Experiment with different hair arrangements until you find one that suits your type; or, ask a hair stylist to help you decide which of the prevailing styles you should adopt.

The important thing is that the hair should look well kept at all times. Comb the hair several times a day if it is necessary, as it often is in windy regions. Pin the hair carefully so that it will not fall out of place. The habit of pushing or pulling at the hair is annoying to others. Be sure that the hair is clean and arranged attractively; then leave it alone. Neither men nor women should comb or arrange their hair in public. The impression on others is far from pleasing.

Teeth and Mouth

Persons who are otherwise fastidious sometimes neglect the teeth and mouth. Clean the teeth with a fairly stiff brush and your favorite dentifrice at least every night and morning. After brushing the teeth, rinse the mouth thoroughly. Use a mouthwash if you wish. There is nothing more offensive than bad breath, which is often caused by unbrushed teeth and an unrinsed mouth. Avoid eating foods that leave an odor on the breath.

When you are concentrating or listening closely, don't let the mouth drop open. Keep it closed and breathe through the nose quietly. If you have difficulty in breathing through the nose, you may need to consult a specialist.


Hands are very much in evidence and therefore should always look well. Keep the hands clean. This means that it is necessary to wash them many times a day in warm, but not hot, water. Dry them well and apply a lotion to keep them from becoming red and chapped. The hands come in contact with disease germs many times a day; consequently, the hands should be kept away from the face, for often the face is infected in this way. A good soap is an excellent disinfectant.


The nails should be kept clean and filed. To be kept clean, they must be moderately short. Ordinarily, they should be filed to conform to the shape of the fingers. If the hands are short and stocky, however, the nails should be left longer and filed to an almond shape. Long, pointed nails are not in good taste.

If liquid nail polish is used, moons should be left at the base of the nails; and unless a clear or light polish is used, the tips should be left unvarnished. Polish that extends to the tips of the nails tends to chip more readily. A broad nail may be made to appear longer if a narrow line is left uncoated at the sides.

For daytime wear, a natural or soft rose shade of polish is suitable. Dark polishes make short nails look shorter and make poorly shaped hands conspicuous. If the hands permit, the vivid shades may be worn with evening dress; but neither the brilliant polish nor the evening dress has a place in the schoolroom or the business office. Men's nails should not be highly polished, but should always be filed and scrupulously clean. It seems superfluous to add that nails should never be cleaned or filed in public by either men or women.


To look clean is not enough. A person's clothes should also make him appear at his best-they should give a feeling of poise and self-confidence, a feeling of ease and comfort, because the wearer knows he is attractively and appropriately dressed. To be well dressed does not mean that one be expensively dressed. Clothes should be selected with a regard for usefulness. Extremes in cut and color should be avoided; faddish dress is for those who can buy today and discard tomorrow. After a fad has passed, the wearer is conspicuous.

When planning a wardrobe, men and women should consider a basic color and buy all articles in harmony with that color-the wardrobe should be considered as a whole. Conservative clothes of perfect fit and good material are best. When buying clothes, consider the upkeep-select material that keeps its shape after many wearings without constant pressing; buy clothes that do not soil easily.

For women, tailored suits or simple dresses are the best taste for street and office wear. Many businessmen now prefer their employees to wear bright, colorful clothing; still, everything must be in "good office taste." Some employers, however, think that black and navy blue are the only appropriate colors for women in business. In such offices, a woman, by a selection of smart accessories, may still give her costume distinction and individuality. Bright blouses or sweaters will enliven a suit; an attractive scarf, a new collar and cuff set, or a string of beads will brighten the tone of a tailored dress.

Suits or dresses of bold stripes and checks are hard on the eyes, and certain narrow stripes make one feel dizzy. Clothes of this type are correct for sportswear for men or women but are not correct for the business office or schoolroom, where people are working together hour after hour and day after day.

For women, knitted dresses and sweater suits are considered appropriate for office or school wear if they are cared for properly. Knitted clothes require a great deal of attention, however, as they have a tendency to stretch or sag after a few wearings. Some businessmen object to this type of dress because of the carelessness of the wearers. Knitted garments should be aired well after wearing; then put flat in broad, shallow drawers. They should never be put on hooks or hangers, as this stretches them out of shape. Sweaters should be sunned and aired occasionally, as they absorb perspiration even though they do not appear to be soiled.

Silk crepes and lightweight woolen dresses are warm, easy to clean, and suitable for many occasions. Wash dresses and suits of the various lightweight materials are suitable for summer wear, but dresses should not be backless or entirely sleeveless for the office.

Well-cared-for clothes are essential for a neat personal appearance; and a well-groomed man or woman will never wear dusty, wrinkled clothes or those having missing buttons or soiled or frayed collars or cuffs. Because woolen dresses and suits catch dust and lint, they should be brushed often.

Clothes for Large Women. A large woman should choose the texture of dress materials more carefully than a woman of average size. She should avoid heavy weaves, rough surfaces, and horizontal lines. Short, full skirts and broad, deep collars tend to reduce height and make persons appear heavier. Black and dark colors are best for the large woman, as bright and light colors tend to make her look even larger. She should not wear dresses or blouses of plaids, checks, or large figures. The V neck has a slenderizing effect.

Shirts, ties, and hose should blend with the suit and should not stand out as detached articles of apparel. Shirts and ties should be selected with regard to the coloring of the wearer. A pallid complexion requires shirts and ties that give color to the face, while a floridfaced man requires shirts and ties that subdue the face coloring. All, however, should be conservative in type, for flashy apparel shows very poor taste.

Care of Suits

The durability of clothes depends on the care that they receive. It is better to prevent soil than to have a suit sent often to the cleaners because the wearer is careless. Rubbing and the action of cleaning agents wear the fabric; however, spots should be removed as soon as they are noticed. Brush the suit carefully, hang it up neatly, and it will keep its shape for a long time. Be sure to empty all the pockets and button the suit.


Both men and women should select shoes that harmonize with the rest of the wardrobe. Black shoes are the most practical for all types of wear; brown shoes are generally worn with brown clothes. Elaborate shoes call attention to the feet and detract from the effectiveness of the ensemble. Shoes must be comfortable as well as good-looking; comfortable feet make graceful walking possible. Women who wear heels that are too high tend to step cautiously and appear stiff; often the result is a strained look on the face.

Well-fitted Shoes. Well-fitted shoes give a person a neat, trim appearance.

Shoes should be long enough that the toes do not touch the end of the shoes when the wearer is standing. Shoes that are too short and have too high heels push the feet forward, cramp the bones of the large toes, and cause irritation and often enlargement of the joints. It is never wise to buy inexpensive shoes, for they are more costly in the long run. Well-fitted shoes of good material keep their shape longer, wear better, take a neater polish, and are easier on the feet. Shoes that fit well prevent too rapid wear of both shoes and hose. It does not pay to economize on shoes.

Care o f Shoes. Dark shoes should be kept well polished and light shoes clean. Run-over heels present a slovenly appearance and tend to cause poor posture. Keep the heels straight and the shoestrings whole and well tied. Place shoe trees in the shoes as soon as they are removed to keep them in good condition. Many persons are careless in this respect. The shoe trees should not be too long, or they will stretch the shoes out of shape. Airing shoes as soon as they are removed prevents them from absorbing perspiration odors from the feet. Improperly selected and poorly kept shoes indicate carelessness and lack of taste.


For office wear, women should choose hose of a neutral daytime shade that harmonizes with the costume. The heavier-weight hose is more practical for business wear than the sheer hose generally selected for party wear. Men should wear dark hose-not white-with dark suits.

Be sure the size of your hose is correct. Hose that are too short cause the toes to be cramped; too long hose wrinkle in the shoes and sometimes cause blisters or sore places on the feet. Hose should always be clean and mended; a fresh pair should be worn every day. It is not conventional for women to wear hose rolled below the knee if, when they are seated, their dresses are so short that the knees show.


Hats for men and women should be selected with care. The height of the wearer-tall or short-and the shape of the face-oval, round, or long and thin-must be considered. Both men and women should buy hats in harmony with the rest of their attire and in accord with the season's styles.

Care of Hats

The shape of the hat gives it its style; so be careful to preserve this shape. For this reason, men should remove soft felt hats by lifting them from the top. Do not allow a soft hat to rest on the brim after it has been taken off. Stuff the hat with tissue paper and put it in a box or on a hatstand with a dust protector over it. Dark hats should be brushed with a soft brush to keep them free from dust. White hats should be cleaned frequently. Never wear a hat with a soiled band.

Women's Evening Dress

For evening, women may choose any color that is becoming to them. A forceful, vivacious person can wear more intense colors than one who is quiet and shy. The person with much color, however, should select shades that tend to subdue the face coloring; and the person without color must select shades that will bring out color in the face. It must be remembered that artificial light changes the color of dress materials. Vivid colors may become softened when worn at night, while such colors as light blue and light green may not be becoming under artificial light. Large women should wear dull, clinging materials; they should not wear organdie or taffeta-crisp materials that tend to make them appear larger. Taffeta is a good material for a retiring personality. Party slippers may be elaborate, but the designs and materials must harmonize with the rest of the ensemble.

Men's Evening Dress

For semiformal affairs after six o'clock, men usually wear the tuxedo, or, as it is commonly called, the dinner jacket. With it are worn the white or black waistcoat and black tie. The dinner jacket, whether a one-button or a double-breasted model, is always worn buttoned. In some circles the one-button dinner jacket is preferred, but the double-breasted models are fast becoming popular. The trousers are of the same material as the jacket. Patent-leather pumps or oxfords are worn with the tuxedo.

The full-dress suit for strictly formal wear after six o'clock consists of the tailcoat, trousers of matching material, the white waistcoat, and white tie. The tailcoat is always worn unbuttoned. Patent-leather pumps or oxfords are worn with the full-dress suit. The handkerchief must be of white linen.

Lacking evening dress, a young man should wear a dark business suit buttoned according to current style, white shirt, dark tie, and black hose and shoes, so that his dress will approximate evening dress as nearly as possible.

How to Stand

No matter how carefully clothes are selected with regard to style and material, they will never look well on the man or woman who does not know how to stand, sit, and walk correctly. Stand firmly on both feet with the knees close together. Don't stand on one foot or shift from one to the other. Keep the head up, the chest up-not out-and the abdomen in. Don't pull the shoulders up and in. When the chest is up, the shoulders will fall into a natural position. The arms should be relaxed at the side. Keep the hands out of the pockets, and don't finger buttons, belt, or tie.

How to Sit

To sit down, walk directly to the chair, turn on the balls of the feet, and lower yourself into the chair. When you turn, one foot is directly back of the other, and this foot takes the weight as you lower yourself. Push back in the seat until you touch the back of the chair. Hold the chest up and the abdomen in, as you do when walking or standing. When sitting, keep the knees close together. Don't put the feet out so far that they may be in the way of others who are passing. If knees are crossed, be sure that the sole of the shoe is almost parallel with the floor. This applies to both men and women. When you are sitting, don't turn your toes in or twist them around the legs of the chair. Don't tap on the floor with your feet. Women, if their knees are crossed, should not let the slipper slide off the heel and hang.

How to Rise

When you rise, slide one foot back and push the weight forward with this foot. By bending at the same time, it is possible to rise easily and gracefully. Don't push yourself from the chair by holding to the sides and hoisting yourself up.

How to Walk

While walking, hold the head and chest up and the abdomen in as you do when standing or sitting. Keep the feet parallel and close together when they pass each other; lift the weight off the ground, rising on the ball of the foot, thus smoothly carrying the weight from one foot to the other. Don't hitch along and don't drag your feet. If your standing, sitting, or walking habits are poor, follow these suggestions faithfully, and you will be pleased to learn how much better you look in your clothes and how much more comfortable and selfassured you feel.

What is Internet

The internet is a worldwide public network of computers on which people can join and use multiple services such as sharing of information. The World Wide Web (WWW) is one of the major services of the internet who hosts information of almost about anything one might like to search for. Search engines are being used to browse through the available sources of information and can make discovering of information an easy to use game. In addition, the internet offers communication services where people can use to conduct friends and family that may live in a different country. Such communication services include MSN, Skype and Yahoo. Chat rooms are another way for communication through which people have the chance to communicate with other people that have never met before, or that live in different countries. E-mails are another form for communicating with family and friends and have now replaced the traditional hand-written letters. Social networking sites are websites that offer people the chance to create a profile for themselves, describing likes and dislikes and the expectations of a person from other people. The purpose of these sites is to enable members to meet other members for relationships, friendships or just simple acquaintanceships. Lastly, the internet can offer services for downloading. Downloading on the computer might include music, movies and programs.

Search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN and Lycos are used for searching the internet for information or pictures. For example, you may need to find information about surfing the internet safely. All you need to do is to go to the engine and give a keyword of the topic you are interested in finding information for. In our example you could type in the search bar “internet safety” and the engine would come up with all the information available for this topic.

Messenger services provide a real breakthrough in communication today. Their use has managed to minimize distances and offer the chance to people who have friends and families living far away from them communicate easily and cheap. These messenger services can be downloaded through their respective websites and as soon as the program is on the hard drive you can add people’s email addresses or usernames and see them. Messenger services offer instant messaging along with audio and video conferencing. Microphones and cameras can be attached on the computer and people can instantly and live conference with others for no extra cost.

Chat rooms are being used from people for communicating with individuals from all over the world. Chat rooms offer the most widely used technology for meeting people that belong to your own network of interests. The mIRC is the most popular program that includes chat rooms and teenagers are the most frequent age class to use it. The use of mIRC is easy and anonymity is well preserved since you are only asked to use a username to join.

Electronic mails are another form of communication which nowadays has replaced our traditional hand written letter. E-mails are letters that can be sent through the internet and can arrive almost instantly and without cost. E-mails are an essential part of every company and every person who needs to communicate with people that live far away from them.

Social Networking Sites are websites through which people can create a personal profile of themselves so that other members of this website can contact them should they like their profile. Social Networking sites are offered for creating friendships, relationships and acquaintanceships. Those websites are very popular and allow you to include pictures of yourself and other personal information. In addition, people can use these websites to express the view they have for themselves and request for people that share the same interests as them.

Downloading services are offered either through websites or through peer to peer programs and allow people to download music, movies or programs on to their computer. Peer to peer programs have the form of a mIRC program through which people that are connected at the same time can share music, video or program files that already have on their computer.

What is good for you?
The use of the Internet offers a variety of benefits to everyone who is willing to use it. The enormous amount of information available and the many uses one can have through the internet have made it the most valuable tool in various settings of a person’s life. The Internet has an enormous amount of publications added on it every day and it’s evolving as the most powerful source of information. Also, use of the Internet has made jobs easier and oversimplified tasks that would take an enormous amount of time before. Moreover, the Internet has become a great tool for avoiding the hassles of the bank, offering the chance to make the transactions quickly and safely. It also offers a powerful source for shopping and the easiness of having your products delivered straight to your house, should you decide you do not want to go out. Furthermore, the widespread use of the Internet has opened new areas of jobs in all countries and expanded the availabilities of working from home. Last, the Internet is one of the most valuable tools in educations since it provides an enormous amount of information and is the greatest source of reference for educators and students. The electronic libraries are of utmost importance for University students looking for scientific information for their courses. Another major benefit of the internet is its ability to minimize distances and provide communication services efficiently and without any cost. In general, the Internet is a multi-tool with applications on every aspect of someone’s life.

The available material, programs, websites and other services of the internet are multiplied every day, revolutionizing the technology being used. Its applications grow exponentially and it would be impossible to outline everything in this booklet. The most important aspect of the Internet evolution however, is that its exponential growth allows it to ease and transform people’s life and increase their knowledge.

Some people say “time is money”. Some others say that time is precious and should not be wasted. Whatever applies to you however, one thing is true: Today’s needs and demands of society have taken over our time that feels it’s not enough for doing everything we need to be doing every day. The appearance of the Internet saving matter came as a life saver for many tasks that would take days to complete before. The ability of the internet to store materials, its ability to calculate instantly almost anything, and its worldwide application databases had made tasks much easier and less time consuming in almost every industry on the planet.

The advanced technologies of the internet managed to free people from the hassles of losing an enormous amount of time waiting in the line to be served at the bank branches. Internet banking is the easy way of dealing with bank transactions safely and quickly. Internet banking offers a wide range of transactions that can be done including bill payments and transfers. Internet banking is convenient also in that it is available twenty-four hours a day.

Did you ever find yourself in a position that urgently needed to go out and buy something but was not in the mood or did not have the time to go out and do it? If your answer is yes, then the internet can solve your problem. The Internet enables you to buy anything you need from the comfort of your own house. Many supermarkets take online orders and deliver the stock within the day at your doorstep. Many consumer stores offer online purchases about almost anything you can imagine (shoes, clothes, apparel, accessories). Online shopping can save you time and money since it offers a wide range of specials in much cheaper prices than what you will find in the actual stores.

Another benefit that the internet has brought into our lives is that ever since the internet has been introduced, new areas of jobs and careers have opened up to the public. Web designing, computer technician and programmer, are among the many that are found at their peak demand for employers. Almost every company nowadays, needs to have a website that promotes its products and patents that web designers are among the most highly requested professionals needed. Furthermore, consultants, sellers, dealers and all sorts of professionals are needed to promote and help people over the internet. The training needed is of high education and career opportunities through the web are exquisite. Housewives, mothers and disabled people, can now have a chance to work from their house and earn money that would otherwise be difficult to obtain.

The biggest benefit of the internet can be found in the educational sector. Educators can obtain learning material from it, prepare courses online and deliver audio/visual information to students. For instructors it is a valuable source for referencing material and enhancing the knowledge of their students. The Internet provides a great place for conferencing and collaborating with students from all over the world. Students can search for information regarding their school courses via electronic libraries who offer a great variety of journals and scientific articles. The resources available over the net cover almost every aspect of the school curriculum and students have a valuable machine for enhancing their knowledge and expanding their assigned work.

One of the most important benefits offered from the wide applications of the internet is communication. The internet managed to eliminate distances and provide people with a unique opportunity to talk, watch and have fun with their loved ones, friends or acquaintances. Chat rooms, messenger services, emails and conferencing programs are the most common uses for communicating over the internet. People can enjoy the benefits of the cheap communication and maintain close contact with loved ones from all over the world.


An electronic filing system is a system of organizing files that utilizes hard drive space or network space. The system may either be computer software, an Internet-based program, or a simple file and folder system on the desktop of a computer. Electronic filing systems are used on multiple devices, ranging from our cell phones to our video game consoles to our digital video recorders.

An electronic filing system utilizes an electronic device, such as a computer, to store and organize files for easy access. Simply placing school assignments in a folder on the desktop of your computer creates an elementary electronic filing system. Electronic filing systems offer the ability to organize various types of files on one operating system, or one type of file on a specific operating system. Electronic filing systems are used by gaming consoles, MP3 players, and throughout various applications on a computer.

A computer alone is a vast electronic filing system offering various features. It begins with a large filing system, the hard drive, and splits into smaller and smaller electronic filing systems within the programs and applications on the computer. The "My Documents" folder on a computer is an electronic filing system arranging your documents in order of time created, alphabetically, or most often used, depending on your preferences. Most electronic filing systems offer the ability to search or browse through the files, allowing you to pinpoint the needed file out of the lot.

Electronic filing systems allow us to easily find the information and files we need at the time we need them. Libraries and bookstores use electronic filing systems to keep track of the location of books. Thanks to these filing systems we can visit a kiosk, type in the book we are looking for, and be directed to it in a fraction of the time it would take us to fumble through the room trying to figure it out on our own.

While electronic filing systems relieve us of a lot of stress when they are working, they can cause chaos when they are out of order. Doctor's offices that run on electronic systems are at a loss when the power is out, or when a server tears up and must be replaced. It is always best to have a backup system when the primary system is out of commission.

Gaming consoles, computers and various handheld devices are becoming more and more advanced and the Internet is being utilized even more as a large, infinite capacity electronic filing system. Inventors and technicians believe that in a few short years we'll be able to access files from various locations all over the world, from wherever we are, at the touch of a button. In some instances, this belief is already coming to life

Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

Anggie - Butir-Butir Cinta

Dalam hati bergeming namamu
Seperti aku menghela nafasku
Cinta ini sulit ditafsirkan
Hingga air surga mungkin takkan berasa

Tuhan ku takut kecemburuanku
Namun hatiku tak kuasa menolak
Tak sanggup ku pendam semua
Tetesan rasa yang telah kau berikan

Ku bermohon engkau
Jadi pendampingku, untuk selamanya
Ayat dan mautku, wahyukan padaku
Butir-butir cinta, padanya atasku
Dalam mihrab cinta

Tak sanggup ku pendam semua
Tetesan rasa yang telah kau berikan

Ku bermohon engkau
Jadi pendampingku, untuk selamanya
Ayat dan mautku, wahyukan padaku
Butir-butir cinta, padanya atasku

Ku bermohon engkau
Jadi pendampingku, untuk selamanya
Ayat dan mautku, wahyukan padaku
Butir-butir cinta, padanya atasku
Dalam mihrab cinta
Dalam mihrab cinta

Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011

Tanya Dalam Gelap

Ku tak mengerti akan jiwamu…
Ku tak pernah pahami akan maksudmu…
Kau diam tak bergerak..

Tanpa sentuhan maupun belaikan…
Tatapan kosong npenuh makna dengan segaris untaian senyum..
Antara harapan dan mimpi…
Berharap tak dapat,mimpipun tak nyata..
Jadi apa ini?

Kau datang dengan kesan dan pergi tanpa pesan…
Lebih cepat dari hembusan angin..

Tak bada sepatah katapun kau ungkapkan walau sekadar menyapa..
Matamu yang tajam seolah membelah dua hatiku..
Meretakkan seluruh tulang rusukku…
Dan menggenggam jiwaku..
Yang penuh teka-teki…

Ku tak dapat menagkap auramu meski hanya setitik…
Akupun tak dapat menerwang jiwamu,meski hanya sekilas…
Berat melupakamu,namun sakit mengingatmu..

Ku tenggelam dalam tanda Tanya yang telah memecah jiwaku tanpa arah..
Semuanya terkunci!
Aku terjebak dalam dimensi kegelapan penuh Tanya..
Tanpa jawaban dan pelita…
Akan kemanakah semua ini berakhir?!

Cermin Hati

Tanggalkan kekhawatiranmu
dan jadilah bersih hati,
bagaikan permukaan sebuah cermin
yang tiada ada bercaknya.

Bila ‘kau dambakan cermin yang bening,
lihatlah kepada dirimu sendiri,
dan tengoklah kebenaran apa adanya,
yang dipantulkan oleh cermin.

Bila besi bisa digosok
hingga berkilau bagai cermin
gerangan penggosok macam apa
yang cermin hatimu butuhkan ?

Antara cermin dan hati
ada satu perbedaan nyata:
hati menyimpan rahasia
sedangkan cermin tidak.

Sepenggal Cinta

Sepenggal Cinta

Ketika kau ungkap cinta

Mengapa harus mendua rasa?

Menjejak kaki menapaki permata hijau

Mereguk madu tak terkira

Enggan menyisih segelintir tuk anak negri

Itukah cinta teragung?

Ketika kau ungkap cinta

Seolah-olah kata memberi menjadi sirna

Hasratmulah yang terutama

Merasakan gemerincing emas dan halusnya sutra

Mengirimkan perca tuk anak bangsa

Itukah cinta terindah?

Kepada kau dan kau yang mengungkap cinta

Sepenggal cintamu yang berselimut dusta

Hanya menyisakan perih pada secarik merah dan putih

Bilakah semua ini terhenti

Berharap dusta sirna

Merubah yang sepenggal menjadi utuh untuk Indonesiaku

Hiduplah Sebagai Jiwa yang Ikhlas :)

“Setiap jiwa adalah jiwa kecintaan Tuhan
yang diturunkan ke alam kehidupan raga sebagai manusia
yang bertugas mewujudkan kemuliaan dari jiwanya
untuk mengindahkan kehidupan sesamanya
bagi keindahan hidupnya di surga.

Dan jiwa yang mampu memimpin dirinya sendiri
untuk keluar dari kekhawatiran, ketidak-tegasan,
penundaan, dan kemalasan,
memiliki semua potensi untuk memindahkan gunung.

Karena sesungguhnya,
kekuatan setiap jiwa dijamin oleh Sang Pencipta.

Maka marilah kita ingat kembali
pesan yang disampaikan pada hari kelahiran kita …

Hiduplah sebagai jiwa yang ikhlas.”
Sesungguhnya, …

Keikhlasan adalah gerbang keemasan yang memisahkan kehidupan yang bebannya harus kita pikul sendiri dan kehidupan yang bebannya dipukul bersama Tuhan.

Dengannya, inilah jawapan bagi dia yang bertanya,

Apakah ikhlas itu?

Ikhlas adalah seutuhnya menerima Tuhan dengan semua kebenaran-Nya.

Bagaimana caranya untuk ikhlas?

Terimalah Tuhan dengan seutuhnya, bersama semua kebenaran-Nya.

Tetapi mengapakah ikhlas itu sulit?

Kerana engkau memilih mempertahankan kebiasaan dan kesenangan mu yang tak akan memperkuat dan memuliakanmu, daripada memilih pikiran, sikap, dan perilaku yang ditetapkan oleh Tuhan sebagai jalan lurus menuju kedamaian dan kesejahteraanmu.

Apakah jaminannya bahwa hidup saya akan baik, jika saya ikhlas?

Tidak ada jaminan untuk keikhlasan, karena jaminan itu tidak diperlukan.
Yang ada adalah bukti, bahwa kurangnya keikhlasanmu telah melemahkan hidupmu.
Apakah kegelisahan hatimu tidak cukup menjadi bukti bahwa tidak ada kedamaian di luar keikhlasan?


Engkau Tuhanku.

Aku ber-Tuhan.
Aku berterima kasih karena Kau izinkan aku mengatakan, bahawa …
Aku memiliki Tuhan.

Engkau lah yang memiliki semua,
maka sesungguhnya aku tak memharapkankan apa pun.

Aku hanya mengharapkan-Mu.
Kerana, jika aku memiliki-Mu, aku memiliki semua.

Tuhan ku,
… amat dalam kecintaan ku kepada Mu
aku memohon … dalam kerinduan ku untuk kelembutan kasih sayang Mu

… kasihilah aku.

… damaikanlah hatiku, indahkanlah wajahku, merdukanlah suaraku,
indahkanlah cara-caraku, baikkanlah hati sesamaku kepada ku,
kuatkanlah aku, mudahkanlah urusanku, baikkanlah rezeki ku,
dan bahagiakanlah keluarga ku …

Amien …

Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

Suburnya Kasih Sejati

Tidak pernahkah ada impian terlukis indah mewarnai hidupmu
menjadi muslimah kebanggaan menjadi penggerak dalam perjuangan
sedangkan Fatimah berbahagia di syurga kau generasi bakal menggoncang

Apakah kau masih diulit mimpi menjauhkan diri dari perintah Ilahi
menjadi serikandi harapan pertiwi menjadi penyeri nirwana duniawi
tanpa sumbanganmu ummah membeku
untukmu muslimah kami hamparkan hirisan doa...

Demi cinta demi cita-cita
kau pikul amanah suci
tabahkan hatimu curahkan baktimu natijahnya nanti kau miliki
di taman abadi indah berseri kan temui...

Muslimah harapan punyai wawasan muslimah sejati pekertinya tinggi
gandingan bersama kami pohonkan didik generasi yang diidamkan

Muslimah harapan punyai wawasan muslimah sejati pekertinya tinggi
di antara bintang kau bagai kejora menerangi malam menyimbah ke bumi

Untukmu muslimah inilah seruan kau pikul amanah suci
tekadkanlah hati demi cita-cita
kau pikul amanah suci

Suburnya Kasih sejati....

Masa Lalu ...

kepada masa lalu, yang konon hanya bagian dari rangkaian waktu, bukankah sesungguhnya tak ada bagian yang sekedar hanya? maksudku, bukankah kau takkan mencapai menit, jika tak kau lewati 60 detik dahulu sebelumnya? bukankah mereka takkan mencapai sepuluh tanpa melalui 1, 2 , 3 sampai 9 sebelumnya? seperti halnya kekinian yang dipuja-puja, bukankah takkan bisa ditempati tanpa menjejakmu, masa lalu, terlebih dahulu?

lalu mengapa mereka meng-hanya-kan mu wahai masa lalu? sebegitu kecilkah artimu terhadap kini? apakah karena kau tak tersentuh, walau baru sedetik berlalu, maka mereka kemudian sengaja mengecilkanmu, menganggamu tak pernah ada? padahal, bukankah kau lah yang mengajarkan kami tentang rasa, tentang sesal, tentang pilihan, tentang menjadi dewasa?

wahai masa lalu, yang seringnya setengah mati dilupakan, ditiadakan, apakah salahmu pada mereka, sehingga mereka seringnya memusuhimu, menguburmu dalam-dalam, hingga dianggap seolah tak pernah ada?

ahh, maafkan aku yang banyak bertanya. tapi tahukah kau masa lalu, tadinya akupun hampir membencimu, karena membiarkan aku menangis, terluka, pada rentang masamu. hingga aku kemudian sadar, bahwa dirimu yang menjadikan diriku seperti diriku saat ini. maka bukankah aku durhaka jika begitu saja membencimu, seperti mereka?

maka alih-alih memaki, aku justru datang memelukmu untuk berterima kasih, atas luka, atas air mata, dan beberapa selingan tawa yang kau berikan untuk mengantar aku pada gerbang kekinianku. yang membentuk aku menjadi aku.

terima kasih! sungguh, terima kasih!

Tentang Mengapa

Aneh, betapa di satu detik kita mati-matian memohon untuk ditinggalkan, lalu meratapi kekosongan yang kita ciptakan sendiri di detik berikutnya. Seperti aku yang kini merutuki keputusanku memaksamu merubah arahmu agar tak lagi menuju ke arahku. Berharap aku bisa mengejarmu yang merubah arah dengan berat hati, tapi tahu benar bahwa sepahit-pahitnya, detik yang terlanjur terlalui takkan bisa diulang kembali. Seperti luka yang kutoreh terhadap kamu, takkan lagi bisa hilang walau coba kuobati.

Tak pernah aku tahu bahwa ternyata meninggalkan tidak semelegakan kedengarannya. Jika kau pikir ditinggalkan saja sudah terasa demikian sakitnya, maka percayalah, meninggalkan berkali-kali terasa lebih buruk. Terlebih jika meninggalkan adalah soal merelakan kamu, yang sesungguhnya lebih kucintai daripada diriku sendiri.

“Lalu kenapa berpisah, jika memang cinta itu belum kemana-mana? Kenapa memaksa meniadakan yang ada?”

Pertanyaanmu berulang-ulang di kepalaku. Berharap memiliki keberanian untuk menjelaskan, bahwa sesungguhnya aku begitu mencintaimu hingga lebih takut kehilangan dirimu dibanding kehilangan diriku sendiri. Membuatmu mengerti bahwa segala yang kulakukan tak lebih dari ketakutan akan datangnya hari dimana cinta itu benar-benar pergi, meninggalkan kita dalam kehampaan yang menyiksa.

Ketakutan akan sakit yang lalu membuatku gemetar hebat, lalu menyadarkanku bahwa tak mungkin aku sanggup bertahan jika suatu hari kamu mengepak setiap bagian dari kita dalam satu kotak besar, lalu menghanyutkannya bersama aliran air sungai di samping rumah. Kemudian berjalan menjauh ke arah tenggelamnya matahari, tak kembali. Segala ketakutan yang kemudian membuatku memaksamu pergi sebelum kau benar-benar memutuskan pergi.

Maka jika bisa kuberikan penjelasan, jawaban, atas pertanyaan mengapa berpisah jika cinta belum kemana-mana, izinkan aku memberitahumu sesuatu. Tapi berjanjilah untuk tak lagi bertanya sesudahnya.

Dengarlah! Ini bukan soal ada atau tiadanya cinta. Hanya saja, sering terjadu seseorang meninggalkan karena takut ditinggalkan. Itu saja!


Ketika Siang dan Malam menjadi Puisi

Kutengadahkan diri memahami cahaya dan kegagalan

seperti pendoa dan pendosamenghadap ke timurmu

langit dan waktu tiada sungkan menggugah

ragaku yang menggelepar diantara ikan-ikan zaman

siap ke lautmu sebelum hidup semakin asin

karena kenyataan adalah rasa yang tawar ini

liku-liku rindu dan angin telah menghukum perasaanku

berjalan di negri terang bagai serigala ketakutan

berjalan di negri gelap mataku menyala

bagai mata kucing penuh cinta

mawas pada setiap tentara khianat

dan kilatan nasib

ketika siang dan malam menjadi puisi

aku adalah penyair yang tak lelah

mencarimu di selubung rahasia

ada tasbih semesta dan suara doa

dari kedalamam jiwaku yang pedih

menikmati deru

mendengar irama nafasku

mengejar khayalanku

yang padahal termaktub di batu-batu

ketika siang dan malam menjadi puisi

aku tersungkur dalam kesunyian yang remuk

menanam bintang di batin

memadukan niat matahari dan bulan yang teguh

Ini Bukan Surat Cinta

Kepada kamu, yang mungkin sedang menyimpan ragu tentang aku

Aku bukan cenayang, yang bisa meramalkan masa depan. Tapi dari sedikit intuisi yang kupunya, memilihmu, adalah hal yang terasa paling benar sampai saat ini.

Aku tak bicara soal siapa yang paling baik, karena sungguh, hanya Tuhan lah yang paling berhak menilai siapa yang baik, kurang baik, atau tidak baik. Dan bukan maksudku pula menilai mereka, yang pernah singgah di hatiku, tak sebaik kamu. Tapi dari sedikit yang aku tahu tentang baik dan tidak, caramu memperlakukan aku, adalah yang terbaik, di antara yang lain. Dan sedikit banyak, kubaca isi hatimu dari caramu memperlakukan aku.

Sedikit tahu. Karena aku tak benar-benar tahu apa yang di dalam hatimu. Kuakui, kadang ragu itu pun hinggap di hatiku. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan soal kesungguhanmu terhadap apa yang sedang kita bangun bersama. Tapi kemudian tak pernah kutemukan alasan untuk tetap ragu terhadap kamu, terhadap kita.

Sekarang aku tak bisa menjawab keraguanmu. Tapi paling tidak, lihatlah kembali jejak-jejak yang kita tinggalkan bersama. Dan apa yang sudah setengah jalan kita bangun ini. Tak inginkah paling tidak kau selesaikan ini? Untuk kemudian membuktikan bahwa kita mampu bertahan di tengah segala keraguan yang deras menghujani. Percayalah, ragu itu akan segera pergi, dan berganti pelangi.

Dan bila ragu itu datang lagi, tak banyak yang harus kita lakukan, selain berpegangan lebih erat. Karena ketika kau longgarkan peganganmu, maka ragu itu akan meruntuhkan kita, dan apa yang sudah setengah jalan kita bangun bersama.

Maka kamu, yang saat ini mungkin sedang menyimpan ragu, aku tak benar-benar tahu ujung perjalanan ini. Tapi untuk saat ini, bisakah paling tidak kuminta satu hal darimu? Hanya satu.


Surat Seorang Perempuan

Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb.

“Kepadamu kukirimkan salam terindah, salam sejahtera para penghuni surga. Salam yang harumnya melebihi kesturi, sejuknya melebihi embun pagi. Salam hangat sehangat sinar mentari waktu dhuha. Salam suci sesuci air telaga Kautsar yang jika direguk akan menghilangkan dahaga selama lamanya.”

Jika ada hal yang kusesali karena memulainya, maka aku menyesal memulai semua ini. Karena jika aku tak memulainya, maka Allah akan memulainya untuk kita jika aku memang wanita yang diciptakan dari rusuk kirimu. Banyak hati yang tersakiti, karena ini memang belum saatnya.

Semua kenyamanan yang kurasakan saat ini, dan semua rasa yang kukira cinta, mungkin itu tak lebih dari sekedar nafsu belaka. Cinta itu suci, tumbuh atas dasar pengabdian kepada sang Kekasih abadi, namun nafsu hanya tuntutan manusiawi yang jika berlebihan akan menyengsarakan. Jika kukira cinta padahal ini jelas-jelas menentang-Nya, lalu dikemanakan kepatuhan qalbu? Tabiat nafsu itu, semakin diberi akan semakin meminta. Yah, itulah yang kurasakan. Namun cinta adalah kesabaran.

Bila kita meninggal sedangkan hati kita masih terpaut nafsu, bukankah itu hanya akan menimbulkan permusuhan di hari kemudian serta sesal yang tak berujung? Bukankan orang-orang yang bersekutu di dunia, kelak akan menjadi musuh dan saling menyalahkan, kecuali orang yang melandaskannya pada cinta karena Allah. Namun dalam hubungan ini, adakah Allah yang didahulukan, atau hanya nafsu yang mendominasi?

Sungguh bukan kapasitasku untu bicara seperti ini. Niatku bukan untuk menggurui, tapi ingin kuperingati diriku sendiri agar berhenti meminta sesuatu yang bukan haknya. Sekarang hati dan diriku ingin kukembalikan seutuhnya pada Rabbnya. Bila tiba saatnya, aku ingin Allah memilihkan yang terbaik untuk kita.

“Mintalah kepada Tuhan-mu, Tuhan-ku, dan Tuhan semua manusia akhir yang terbaik terhadap kisah kita. Memintalah kepada-Nya agar iman yang tipis ini mampu bertahan, memintalah kepada-Nya agar tetap menetapkan malu ini pada tempatnya.”

Maaf atas semua yang sudah aku lakukan. Tidak ada niat untuk menyisakan sakit pada siapa pun. Perubahan memang sulit dilakukan dan membutuhkan waktu yang lama, namun keputusan untuk berubah hanya perlu waktu beberapa saat. Demi Allah yang menggenggam hati-hati kita, semoga kesalahan yang serupa tak kan pernah lagi terulang. Syukran atas semuanya.

Wassalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb.


Nafas-nafas dunia selalu ku rasa ku hela

serpiha-serpihan mimpi kan ku rangkai

menjadi simfoni putih impian

roda-roda kehidupan selalu ku kayuh

bilakah arah hidupku tak selaras dengan mimpi

biar ku telusuri takdir Sang ILLahi

biarlah hati kecilku ini

mencari akan diriku yang sebenar-benarnya

Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

Saya Belajar ...

Saya belajar,
bahwa saya tidak dapat memaksa orang lain mencintai saya,
saya hanya dapat melakukan sesuatu untuk orang yang saya cintai.

Saya belajar,
bahwa butuh waktu bertahun-tahun untuk membangun kepercayaan
dan hanya beberapa detik saja untuk menghancurkannya.

Saya belajar,
bahwa sahabat terbaik bersama saya dapat melakukan banyak hal
dan kami selalu memiliki waktu terbaik.

Saya belajar,
bahwa orang yang saya kira adalah orang yang jahat,
justru adalah orang yang membangkitkan semangat hidup saya kembali
serta orang yang begitu perhatian pada saya.

Saya belajar,
bahwa persahabatan sejati senantiasa bertumbuh walau dipisahkan oleh jarak yang jauh,
beberapa diantaranya melahirkan cinta sejati.

Saya belajar,
bahwa jika seseorang tidak menunjukkan perhatian seperti yang saya inginkan,
bukan berarti bahwa dia tidak mencintai saya.

Saya belajar,
bahwa sebaik-baiknya pasangan itu,
mereka pasti pernah melukai perasaan saya,
dan untuk itu saya harus memaafkannya.

Saya belajar,
bahwa saya harus belajar mengampuni diri sendiri dan orang lain,
kalau tidak mau dikuasai perasaan bersalah terus-menerus.

Saya belajar,
bahwa lingkungan dapat mempengaruhi pribadi saya,
tapi saya harus bertanggung jawab untuk apa yang saya telah lakukan.

Saya belajar,
bahwa dua manusia dapat melihat sebuah benda,
tapi kadang dari sudut pandang yang berbeda.

Saya belajar,
bahwa tidaklah penting apa yang saya miliki
tapi yang penting adalah siapa saya ini sebenarnya.

Saya belajar,
bahwa tidak ada yang instant atau serba cepat di dunia ini,
semua butuh proses dan pertumbuhan,
kecuali saya ingin sakit hati.

Saya belajar,
bahwa saya harus memilih apakah menguasai sikap dan emosi,
atau sikap dan emosi itu yang menguasi diri saya.

Saya belajar,
bahwa saya punya hak untuk marah,
tetapi itu bukan berarti saya harus benci dan berlaku bengis.

Saya belajar,
bahwa kata-kata manis tanpa tindakan adalah saat perpisahan dengan orang yang saya cintai.

Saya belajar,
bahwa orang-orang yang saya kasihi justru sering diambil segera dari kehidupan saya.

Saya belajar,
bahwa saya harus belajar dari kesalahan yang pernah saya lakukan dan hidup untuk masa depan,
bukan terus-menerus melihat ke masa lampau.

Saya belajar,
bahwa cinta itu memberi dan mengerti tanpa harus diberi dan dimengerti.

Saya belajar,
bahwa apa yang kita inginkan tidak selalu sesuai dengan apa yang kita butuhkan,
dan kita harus berlapang dada menerimanya.

Saya belajar,
bahwa keluarga saya adalah harta terbesar yang saya punya.

Saya belajar,
bahwa dengan berterima kasih pada Yang Maha Kuasa,
maka Ia akan memberi rahmat lebih banyak lagi.

Saya belajar,
bahwa saya harus tidak boleh berhenti belajar.

Renungan * 8 Kebohongan seorang IBU

Ibuku Seorang Pembohong ? Sukar untuk orang lain percaya, tapi itulah yang terjadi, ibu saya memang seorang pembohong!! Sepanjang ingatan saya sekurang-kurangnya 8 kali ibu membohongi saya.

Saya perlu catatkan segala pembohongan itu untuk dijadikan renungan Anda sekalian. PRINCESSARAH say thanks bagi yang merasa menulis artikel ini...

Cerita ini bermula ketika saya masih kecil. Saya lahir sebagai seorang anak lelaki dalam sebuah keluarga sederhana. Makan minum serba kekurangan.


Kami sering kelaparan. Adakalanya, selama beberapa hari kami terpaksa makan ikan asin satu keluarga.. Sebagai anak yang masih kecil, saya sering merengut. Saya menangis, ingin nasi dan lauk yang banyak. Tapi ibu pintar berbohong. Ketika makan, ibu sering membagikan nasinya untuk saya. Sambil memindahkan nasi ke mangkuk saya, ibu berkata : “”Makanlah nak ibu tak lapar.”-


Ketika saya mulai besar, ibu yang gigih sering meluangkan watu senggangnya untuk pergi memancing di sungai sebelah rumah. Ibu berharap dari ikan hasil pancingan itu dapat memberikan sedikit makanan untuk membesarkan kami. Pulang dari memancing, ibu memasak ikan segar yang mengundang selera. Sewaktu saya memakan ikan itu, ibu duduk di samping kami dan memakan sisa daging ikan yang masih menempel di tulang bekas sisa ikan yang saya makan tadi.Saya sedih melihat ibu seperti itu. Hati saya tersentuh lalu memberikan ikan yg belum saya makan kepada ibu. Tetapi ibu dengan cepat menolaknya. Ibu berkata : “Makanlah nak, ibu tak suka makan ikan.”


Di awal remaja, saya masuk sekolah menengah. Ibu biasa membuat kue untuk dijual sebagai tambahan uang saku saya dan abang. Suatu saat, pada dinihari lebih kurang pukul 1.30 pagi saya terjaga dari tidur.. Saya melihat ibu membuat kue dengan ditemani lilin di hadapannya. Beberapa kali saya melihat kepala ibu terangguk karena ngantuk. Saya berkata : “Ibu, tidurlah, esok pagi ibu kan pergi ke kebun pula.” Ibu tersenyum dan berkata : “Cepatlah tidur nak, ibu belum ngantuk.”


Di akhir masa ujian sekolah saya, ibu tidak pergi berjualan kue seperti biasa supaya dapat menemani saya pergi ke sekolah untuk turut menyemangati. Ketika hari sudah siang, terik panas matahari mulai menyinari, ibu terus sabar menunggu saya di luar. Ibu seringkali saja tersenyum dan mulutnya komat-kamit berdoa kepada allah agar saya lulus ujian dengan cemerlang. Ketika lonceng berbunyi menandakan ujian sudah selesai, ibu dengan segera menyambut saya dan menuangkan kopi yang sudah disiapkan dalam botol yang dibawanya. Kopi yang kental itu tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan kasih sayang ibu yang jauh lebih kental. Melihat tubuh ibu yang dibasahi peluh, saya segera memberikan cawan saya itu kepada ibu dan menyuruhnya minum. Tapi ibu cepat-cepatmenolaknya dan berkata : “Minumlah nak, ibu tak haus!!”


Setelah ayah meninggal karena sakit, selepas saya baru beberapa bulan dilahirkan, ibulah yang mengambil tugas sebagai ayah kepada kami sekeluarga. Ibu bekerja memetik cengkeh di kebun, membuat sapu lidi dan menjual kue-kue agar kami tidak kelaparan. Tapi apalah daya seorang ibu. Kehidupan keluarga kami semakin susah dan susah. Melihat keadaan keluarga yang semakin parah, seorang tetangga yang baik hati dan tinggal bersebelahan dengan kami, datang untuk membantu ibu. Anehnya, ibu menolak bantuan itu… Para tetangga sering kali menasihati ibu supaya menikah lagi agar ada seorang lelaki yang menjaga dan mencarikan nafkah untuk kami sekeluarga.. Tetapi ibu yang keras hatinya tidak mengindahkan nasihat mereka. Ibu berkata : “Saya tidak perlu cinta dan saya tidak perlu laki-laki.”


Setelah kakak-kakak saya tamat sekolah dan mulai bekerja, ibu pun sudah tua. Kakak-kakak saya menyuruh ibu supaya istirahat saja di rumah. Tidak lagi bersusah payah untuk mencari uang. Tetapi ibu tidak mau. Ibu rela pergi ke pasar setiap pagi menjual sedikit sayur untuk memenuhi keperluan hidupnya. Kakak dan abang yang bekerja jauh di kota besar sering mengirimkan uang untuk membantu memenuhi keperluan ibu, pun begitu ibu tetap berkeras tidak mau menerima uang tersebut. Malah ibu mengirim balik uang itu, dan ibu berkata : “Jangan susah-susah, ibu ada uang.”


Setelah lulus kuliah, saya melanjutkan lagi untuk mengejar gelar sarjana di luar negeri. Kebutuhan saya di sana dibiayai sepenuhnya oleh sebuah perusahaan besar. Gelar sarjana itu saya sudahi dengan cemerlang, kemudian saya pun bekerja dengan perusahaan yang telah membiayai sekolah saya di luar negeri. Dengan gaji yang agak lumayan, saya berniat membawa ibu untuk menikmati penghujung hidupnya bersama saya di luar negeri. Menurut hemat saya, ibu sudah puas bersusah payah untuk kami. Hampir seluruh hidupnya habis dengan penderitaan, pantaslah kalau hari-hari tuanya ibu habiskan dengan keceriaan dan keindahan pula. Tetapi ibu yang baik hati, menolak ajakan saya. Ibu tidak mau menyusahkan anaknya ini dengan berkata ; “Tak usahlah nak, ibu tak bisa tinggal di negara orang.”-


Beberapa tahun berlalu, ibu semakin tua. Suatu malam saya menerimaberita ibu diserang penyakit kanker di leher, yang akarnya telah menjalar kemana-mana. Ibu mesti dioperasi secepat mungkin. Saya yang ketika itu berada jauh diseberang samudera segera pulang untuk menjenguk ibunda tercinta. Saya melihat ibu terbaring lemah di rumah sakit, setelah menjalani pembedahan. Ibu yang kelihatan sangat tua, menatap wajah saya dengan penuh kerinduan. Ibu menghadiahkan saya sebuah senyuman biarpun agak kaku karena terpaksa menahan sakit yang menjalari setiap inci tubuhnya.

Saya dapat melihat dengan jelas betapa kejamnya penyakit itu telah menggerogoti tubuh ibu, sehingga ibu menjadi terlalu lemah dan kurus.. Saya menatap wajah ibu sambil berlinangan air mata. Saya cium tangan ibu kemudian saya kecup pula pipi dan dahinya. Di saat itu hati saya terlalu pedih, sakitsekali melihat ibu dalam keadaan seperti ini. Tetapi ibu tetaptersenyum dan berkata : “Jangan menangis nak, ibu tak sakit.”

Setelah mengucapkan pembohongan yang kedelapan itu, ibunda tercinta menutup matanya untuk terakhir kali. Dibalik kebohongannya, tersimpan cintanya yang begitu besar bagi anak2nya. Anda beruntung karena masih mempunyai orangtua… Anda boleh memeluk dan menciumnya. Kalau orangtua anda jauh dari mata, anda boleh menelponnya sekarang, dan berkata, “Ibu/Ayah, saya sayang ibu/ayah.” Tapi tidak saya lakukan, hingga kini saya diburu rasa bersalah yang amat sangat karena biarpun saya mengasihi ibu lebih dari segala-galanya, tapi tidak pernah sekalipun saya membisikkan kata-kata itu ke telinga ibu, sampailah saat ibu menghembuskan nafasnya yang terakhir.Ibu, maafkan saya. Saya sayang ibu...

Eye and Ear

Perasaan cinta itu di mulai dari mata,
sedangkan rasa suka di mulai dari telinga.
Jika kita mau berhenti dari meyukai sesaorang cukup dengan menutup telinga.
Tetapi apabila kamu mencoba menutup matamu dari orang yang kamu cintai, cinta itu berubah menjadi tetesan airmata dan akan terus tinggal didalam hatimu
dalam jangka waktu yang lama.

English For Secretary

How to make success in your career according to Jill Speagell
→ Success in career according to Jill Speagell are :
· The hidden keys to self-motivation
· Inspire success in others
· How to make others instantly believe in you
· The secrets to building rapport
· How to exude confidence
· Use positive thinking to reach your goals
· Live each moment with spirit and energy much more
· Embrace humor as a communication tool

2. Make the definition of secretary based on expert
→ The definition of secretary based on expert are :
· A secretary is a person who keeps records,takes notes and handles general clerical work ; the head of a department of government ; a managerial or leading position in certain non-profit organizations, such as political parties, trade unions, international organizations.
· A secretary is a person who is employed to help in an office.
· Secretary is a person who is head of an administrative department of government
· A secretary is either an administrative assistant in business office administration,or a certain type of mid- or high-level governmental position,such as a Secretary of State.
· Secretary is an assistant who handles correspondence and clerical work for a boss or an organization.

3. What are the differenciate between gesture and body language
→ The differenciate between gesture and body language
Gesture are :
· The use of movements (especially of the hands) to communicate familiar or prearranged signals
· Any action done with any part of the body not taking the weight
· Motion of hands or body to emphasize or help to express a thought or feeling

Body language :
· Body language is a term for communication using body movements or gestures instead of,or in addition to,sounds,verbal language or other communication.
· Using one’s body to express oneself
· The gestures and mannerisms by which a person communicates with others
· Body language refers to any kind of bodily movement or posture, including facial expression, which transmits a message to the observer.
· Communication via the movements or attitudes of the body

4. Explain about the performance of secretary
→ A performance of secretary is process or manner of secretary performing that they should have.Like healthy,appearances and body language.A good secretary needs skills to succeed in the world of work.The fundamental purpose is to encourage a high performance economy characterized by high skill,high-wage employment.A high performance workplacerequires workers who have in the basic literacy and computational skills,in this thinking skills necessary to puut knowledge to work,and in the personal qualities that make workers dedicated and trustworthy.

5.Explain about kinds of secretary
6.As a secretary should posses
a. Secretarial background
b. A pleasant personality
7.What the differenciate between etiqutte and ethic
→ Etiqutte :
· Etiquette is nothing more then social codes determining politeness in a given situation.
· Conventional requirements as to social behavior; proprieties of conduct as established in any class or community or for any occasion.
· Etiquette is all about manners, knowing how to sit at table and handle your knife and fork, being polite, thank you letters, acts of kindness, keeping one's mouth shut at the appropriate time, knowing to dress appropriately for the occasion, etc.
Ethic :
· The moral guidelines around which a society bases its values.
· A moral conscious awareness based upon personal beliefs.
· Ethics is all about not hurting another human being knowingly.