Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Selasa, 19 April 2011

Testimonials and News of those Who Have Found Islam

"...This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion..."(Qur'an Ch.5 v.3)

Islam teaches that everyone is born a Muslim – that is, everyone is born naturally inclined to believe in God and to submit to Him. However, due to external influences such as parents, friends, society, school, etc., children are indoctrinated to a particular set of beliefs, such as Hinduism, Judaism, Daoism, Christianity, Jainism, etc. However still, Islam was their first faith, and is the primordial faith of all of Creation – submission to the Creator. Therefore, human beings who rediscover this submission aren’t called “converts” to Islam, but rather “reverts” to Islam. This is a page dedicated to their stories.

Farhan R. – Primary Writer of the “Yearning for Islam” blog, who went through a period of severe doubt and spiritual crisis before experiencing Islam for the sake of its truth and beauty rather than just being born into it
Terry “Mustafa” Holdbrooks – Ex-prison guard at Guantanamo Bay who saw the perseverance of Muslims in their faith under inhuman conditions, and was thus drawn to Islam. Read more here.
Laura Miller – Jewish student at UC Berkley who found Islam through her experience with her Muslim friends and classes on Islam
Br. Rashid – A German who recieved Muslim propagation in the mail, and after more of his own research, realized that he had found Islam to be the Truth
Margaret “Maryam Noor” Templeton – A Scottish woman who grew up as an atheist, then became a Roman Catholic for a while, and then after seeking the Truth and reading the Qur’an, submitted to Islam at the age of 60
Br. Clay – A middle-aged ex-evangelical Christian decided to study Islam, and discovered it to be more in line with his instinctual beliefs
Yusuf “Joseph Cohen” Khattab – A Jew who found Islam via interfaith dialogue chat rooms. It should be noted that Khattab holds views not shared by most Muslims, views which may be considered extreme and an inaccurate manifestation of Islam. However, Yearning for Islam feels that all shades of the spectrum should be represented. Khattab runs the website Jews for Allah
Sayed Mann – A German ex-pseudo gangster who came from a nonreligious background, and after receiving an invitation to learn about Islam from his friends, found Islam to be what he always believed in
Dr. Jamaluddin Connell Monette – Dr. Monette grew up in Canada and converted to Islam during his undergraduate years. He received his doctorate in Medieval Studies from University of Toronto, and currently is the Assistant Professor of Literature at Al Akhawayn University in Morocco. His research and teaching interests include: medieval European and Islamic literature, comparative folklore and mythology.
Nicole Queen – An American ex-Baptist young woman who never found guidance or nearness-to-the-divine in Christianity, but rather found true answers and guidance in Islam after getting introduced to Islam via educational material on YouTube
Boonaa Mohammed – A Canadian poet who grew up as a non-practicing Muslim. Here he talks a little about how he became serious about Islam.
The Indigenous Mayans of Chiapas, Mexico - Already an underprivileged minority, the indigenous Mayan population in Southern Mexico is slowly converting to Islam, especially in Chiapas, Mexico.

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