Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011


Assalamualaikum :)
welcome to my blog :)





Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Tutorial Inna.mov

Are you in a hurry? This is an express way to wear hijab, not only stylish but also easy and quick.

1. Place your rectangle scarf / light material pashmina half way over your head. Make sure the length is same between two sides.

2. Grab one side of the scarf, pull it over your head.

3. Tucking in on the back of your head and secure it inside the scarf.

4. Grab the other side of the scarf and round them around your neck. To make it secure, pin the scarf close to your neck and ear.

5. In less than 40 seconds, the hijab is done and you are ready to go!

PS : If you want to see more of Inna's style and hijab. Stay tune here :)

Copyright of HijabScarf Blog.

Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

Fasting in Islam

Firstly we must note that one of the names of Allah (SWT) is al-Hakim (the Most Wise). The word Hakim is derived from the same root as Hukm (ruling) and Hikmah (wisdom). Allah (SWT) alone is the One Who issues rulings, and His rulings are the most wise and perfect.

Secondly: Allah (SWT) does not prescribe any ruling but there is great wisdom behind it, which we may understand, or our minds may not be guided to understand it. We may know some of it but a great deal is hidden from us.

Thirdly: Allah (SWT) has mentioned the reason and wisdom behind His enjoining of fasting upon us, as He says: "O you who believe! Observing As-Sawm (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious)." Holy Qur'an (2:183)

Fasting is a means of attaining Taqwa (piety, being conscious of Allah), and Taqwa means doing that which Allah has enjoined and avoiding that which He has forbidden.

Ramadan Fasting is one of the greatest means of helping a person to fulfill the commands of Islam.

The scholars have mentioned some of the reasons why fasting is prescribed in order to draw more attention towards fasting:

Ramadan Fasting is a means that makes us appreciate and give thanks for pleasures. For fasting means giving up eating, drinking and physical intimacy with the spouse, which are among the greatest pleasures. By giving them up for a short time, we begin to appreciate their value. Because the blessings of Allah (SWT) are not recognized, but when you abstain from them, you begin to recognize them, so this motivates you to be grateful for them.

Ramadan Fasting is a means of giving up Haram (forbidden) things, because if a person can give up Halal (Lawful) things in order to please Allah (SWT) and for fear of His painful torment, then he will be more likely to refrain from Haram things. So fasting is a means of avoiding the things that Allah (SWT) has forbidden.

Ramadan Fasting enables us to control our desires, because when a person is fulfill his desires, they grow, but if he is hungry then his desire becomes weak. Hence the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said: O young men! Whoever among you can afford to get married, let him do so, for it is more effective in lowering the gaze and protecting one's chastity. Whoever cannot do that, let him fast, for it will be a shield for him.

Ramadan Fasting makes us feel compassion and empathy towards the poor, because when the fasting person tastes the pain of hunger for a while, he remembers those who are in this situation all the time, so he will hasten to do acts of kindness to them and show compassion towards them. So fasting is a means of feeling empathy with the poor.

Fasting humiliates and weakens the Shaitan (Satan); it weakens the effects of his whispers (waswas) on a person and reduces his sins. That is because the Shaitan "flows through the son of Adam like blood, but fasting narrows the passages through which the Shaitan flows, so his influence grows less."

Undoubtedly blood is created from food and drink, so when a person eats and drinks, the passages through which the devils flow - which is the blood - become wide. But if a person fasts, the passages through which the devils flow become narrow, so hearts are motivated to do good deeds and to give up evil deeds.

The fasting person is training himself to remember that Allah (SWT) is always watching, so he gives up the things that he desires even though he is able to take them, because he knows that Allah (SWT) can see him.

Ramadan Fasting means developing an attitude of asceticism towards this world and its desires and seeking that which is with Allah (SWT).

It makes the Muslim get used to doing a great deal of acts of worship, because the fasting person usually does more acts of worship and gets used to that.

These are some of the reasons why fasting is enjoined. We ask Allah (SWT) to help us to achieve them and to worship Him properly.

When we observe Fasting, here is something that happens:

1. I feel hungry -> My mind says "I am Fasting" suddenly I REMEMBER MY LORD because I am Fasting for Him!
2. I feel thirsty -> My mind says "I am Fasting" suddenly I REMEMBER MY LORD because I am Fasting for Him!
3. I think something NEGATIVE my mind says "I am Fasting" suddenly I REMEMBER MY LORD because I am Fasting for Him!
4. Fasting helps us to become 'Conscious of God', He is watching us! Beware!

Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

Fathimah Az Zahra

Kau cahaya mata RasuL
Belahan jiwa Al Husain As
Penghulu wanita di surga

Engkau jelmaan cahaya Tuhan
Engkau manifestasi kasih sayang Tuhan
Engkau lambang kebesaran Tuhan
Terlaknatlah yang bebuat dzhalim terhadapmu

Dengan apa ku obati sakit hatimu?

Diriku hanya sebongkah batu mengeras tak mendengar

yang terlilit benang kusut peradaban

tiap detikku adalah dosa

terlalu canggih khianatku padamu

yang ada hanya tetesan bening

yang tak henti mengalir deras mengenangmu

deritamu terlalu dahsyat

uluran tanganmu yang penuh kasih selalu aku tunggu

agar ku dapat pula berkata TULUS bahwa dukamu dukaku jua

Aku mawar yang belum mengerti "bahasa air"

belum dapat merasakan resapan cintamu dalam pipa pori-poriku

hingga belum dapat kau temui dirimu,

bermunajat di sisi pusaramu

Yaa Sayyidah..
Dimanakah kuburmu??

Kau cahaya mata RasuL

belahan jiwa Al Husain As

penghulu wanita di surga

terlaknatlah yang berbuat dzalim terhadapmu

Engkau jelmaan cahaya Tuhan

Engkau manifestasi kasih sayang Tuhan

Engkau lambang kebesaran Tuhan

Yaa Zahra As..
Aku benci menangis ketika mengingatmu,

karena terkadang rasaku menangis mengadu padamu,

sementara aku tahu betapa deritamu lebih dahsyat dari apa yang aku alami

Salam duka kami atasmu,

Mawar terkadang dinisbatkan bagi seorang perempuan. Banyak hal yang ada dalam dirinya yang belum dikenali. Pengenalan awam menuntun untuk mencerna hakikat dirinya. Tanah yang jadi pijakannya, tangkai yang jadi tonggak berdirinya, daunnya yang memberinya materi untuk kehidupannya, duri yang dapat melindunginya,. Apa dan bagaimana hadirnya bagi mawar? Begitu pula pertanyaan bagi kaum kita perempuan dengan segenap potensi dan amanah yang diberikan kepadanya.
Dominannya rasa bagi perempuan menuntut kecerdasan mengelola rasa itu agar ia nampak pada tempatnya. Tapi bukan berarti bahwa dominannya rasa ini kemudian menutup potensi akal/rasionya. Ketika seorang perempuan sadar bahwa dia mampu mengenali sesuatu dengan rasionya melalui berpikir, maka potensi itulah yang digunakan untuk mengelola rasa menjadi proporsional dan menemukan arah.

Salah satu contoh terdekat beda perempuan dan laki-laki adalah tingkat kecemasan. Bagi seorang perempuan tingkat kecemasannya lebih tinggi dibandingkan laki-laki. Tingkat kecemasan itu dibangun oleh faktor adanya rasa kasih sayang yang lebih dan pikiran negatif. Sehingga perempuan dominan dengan rasa ini ketika faktor tersebut membesar dan kecemasan pun membuncah. Inilah yang membutuhkan pengelolaan, metode yang kreatif dan kecerdasan untuk memahami diri.

Faktor kasih sayang mestilah di luaskan, agar ia tak menyempit dan terkontekskan pada apa yang ada di sekitarnya. Sehingga ia hadir merealitas pada apa yang “layak” menerimanya. Lalu ia menjadi lapang dan luas.

Faktor kedua adalah berpikir negatif. Inilah yang paling dominan pula untuk memicu kecemasan itu. Meskipun tidak semata pada perempuan, laki-laki juga. Sehingga ini menurut hemat saya yang mesti lebih banyak dikelola. Berpikir negatif hanya akan membunuh segenap potensi kita dan menghabiskan energi untuk senantiasa bersedih, terkungkung kecemasan, prasangka dan derita.

Berpikir positif akan menghadirkan kebaikan dalam diri kita. Membiasakan berpikir positif akan memberi energi positif bagi jiwa, sehingga dengan pembiasaan pada hal baik jiwa hanya akan menerima kebaikan semata. Seburuk apapun yang di tangkap dihadapan mata, yang terlihat adalah kebaikan dan upaya pembelajaran pada apa yang menjadi hikmahnya. Jika hanya kebaikan yang hadir dalam jiwa, yang merealitas adalah juga kebaikan dalam diri. Kebaikan yang tanpa polesan, tak bertopeng, seiring dengan penyempurnaannya, ia akan menjadi tulus.

Kecemasan yang terkelola dengan baik akan berganti dengan cinta. Cinta yang hadir dengan keluasan dan kelapangan hati, yang penuh dengan ketulusan.

Nah, pertanyaannya kemudian, apakah kita sudah membiasakan untuk senantiasa berpikir positif? Memandang sesuatu dengan apa adanya sesuatu itu? Membaca realitas dengan positif? Memperlakukan apa yang ada disekitar kita dengan berusaha untuk tulus?

Karena dengan hadirnya hal baik dalam diri akan membawa kita pada pengenalan diri sendiri. Menuju pada jalan pengenalan akan Tuhan.

Saudariku, sejauh mana kita telah mengenal diri kita sebagai seorang perempuan sehingga belum mengenali Dia, apakah kita hanya akan sampai pada ungkapan bahwa kita “si mawar yang belum mengerti bahasa air”.


Cemburu aku pada Hawa

Jatuh padanya sayang Allaah

Mutiara dalam kotak kaca

Tak memandang.. Dan tak dipandang

Dalam hening aku renung

Akankah aku.. seindah Hawa

Makin aku.. Cemburu pada Hawa

Kupandang dari sudut yang tak biasa

Bebas.. lepas dan merdeka

Asa mendera sudut jiwa

Pintaku sampai kelangit

Dalam do’a pagi senja

Di tengah gulita

Ingin aku seperti Hawa

Kulukis wajah Hawa

Mengenang pesona di matanya

Menyerah pasrah

Lebur dalam cinta

Berkalang kemuliaan

Kutulis kisah di antara rinai hujan

Tentang pesona Hawa

Makin subur cemburuku itu

Pada sayang Allaah dengan untaian hidayah


Di sela kehidupan

Direnungnya tirai sang hujan

Dilukisnya senyum kekasih di kanvas air

Dijemput pangeran, dibawa menghilang

Lalu dipelihara dengan sayang

Menyelamatkan yakinmu pada Sang Maha Rahman

Dari semua tangan dunia yang menyesatkan

Metamorfosamu, Hawa

Menjelmakan sayap kaca

Wujudkan benteng yang menjaga

Hakikatmu sebagai wanita

Menjadimu, Hawa

Bak memanjat hujan

Langit, Yang Tercerahkan

Senja akan datang

Langit menatap Matahari yang selalu riang. Ada satu gundah yang ingin diungkapnya.

”Matahari, aku sangat senang melihat Bumi. Dia selalu punya teman-teman yang indah. Ada Bunga, Sungai, Gunung dan lain-lain.”

”Senang.. atau iri..?”, sahut Matahari, tajam.

”Serius, aku senang, bahagia.. ga pakai iri.”, ia menafikkan.

”Iri akan kebaikan itu, boleh.”, kata Matahari.

”Tapi, aku nggak iri kok.”, ulangnya lagi.

”Aku hanya menyesal, mengapa tak bisa sebaik Bumi.”

”Memang.. open mind itu susah. Jadilah seperti komputer, yang selalu menerima data tanpa perasaan. Copy saja.”

“Jadi, aku ini, menolak dibilang iri, karena perasaan..?”, payung bumi itu gamang dengan penolakannya sendiri.

”Aku ga bilang gitu.”, kata Matahari.

Langit.. merenung.

”Setelah mundur.. ke beberapa menit yang lalu. Aku jadi merasa. Kamu benar.”, katanya.

”Jika ada yang memberi data yang tidak familiar, jangan langsung nge-blok pakai kabutmu. Pasang saja pertanyaan.. ”Oo.. gitu ya”.. ”ada dalilnya”, jelas sang Matahari.

”Bagaimana cara meruntuhkan blok kabutku..??”, mulai menyadari kekeliruannya.

”Pakai Tauhid.”, kata Matahari, yakin.

Langit terdiam. Tauhid..? Aku kenal kata itu. Tapi, aku tak tau, sadalam apa aku kenali Tauhid. ”Ajari aku..”, katanya pada Matahari.

Matahari meredup. Kemudian berkata, ”Kenali dirimu.. Maka Tauhid, akan menyukaimu.”

“Who am I..?? Satu pertanyaan yang mesti kujawab.. untuk menemukan tauhid. Lalu.. selama ini.. aku kemana aja ya?”, wajah Langit agak mendung.

“Siapa aku..? Apa yang kutampilkan selama ini..? Untuk siapa..?”, Matahari menatap Langit penuh tanya.

”Tak pernah ada yang bertanya seperti itu. Bahkan aku sendiri.”, Langit makin gelap berawan.

”Ada.”, kata Matahari. Bergetarlah ruang di ketinggian itu, beberapa kilat dan petir bersahutan. Ia bertanya-tanya. Siapa itu, yang pernah bertanya begitu padanya. ”Hanya saja, telinga hatimu tak cukup mendengar. Karena, pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu, begitu lembut.” Mendengar itu, ia memecah awan. Gerimis, dan makin menderas.

”Terlalu..”, katanya.

”Terlalu..?”, Matahari tak mengerti.

”Aku ini, sungguh terlalu.”, tangis sang Langit, agak mereda. Bersyukur dia, para Bintang belum datang. Kalau tidak, para Bintang tentu mengejeknya.

Matahari tersenyum.

”Bahkan yang terdekat pun, tidak didengarnya. Langit ini, selalu bicara tentang kecerahan hati. Namun, ia tak kenali kecerahan hatinya sendiri.”, Langit menunduk.

”Ya, pengawasan hati harus dilakoni. ”Mengintai hati.”, pendar lembut sang Matahari. Menembus celah awan.

”Hiks.. malu.”, Langit merona jingga, tepat dengan senja. Tersipu tunduk lalu simpuh. Malu pada Penciptanya.

”Jangan malu pada makhluk. Karena itu menutupi hati, menulikan telinga hati.”

”Betul.”, kata Langit.

”Bahkan, aku pun tuli hati. Ada beberapa bagian semesta, yang hampir tak pernah kusinari.”, lidah api sang Matahari melemah.

Langit memaklumi, ”Setidaknya, Allaah masih sayang. Ada saja cara-Nya, membuka telinga hati kita. Pelan.. pelan.”, disadarinya kembali. Allaah selalu indah. ”Terimakasih ya, Matahari.”

”Ok, sama-sama. Ajaklah yang lain, untuk membuka telinga hati dan mendengarkan suara lembut itu.”, ujar Matahari.

”Biar kubuka telingaku dulu.”, Langit merasa tak pantas untuk menyeru.

”Berlatihlah, sambil mengajak pula. Tak perlu menunggu sempurna, untuk mengajak mendengar suara lembut itu. Lalu, dengarkan bersama-sama”, lanjut Matahari, bijak.

Langit mulai cerah. Senja memang datang. Memulas kuas bercat hitam pada Langit. Namun, Langit sudah tercerahkan. Oleh dialognya dengan Matahari.

”Aku pamit, Rembulan telah berbisik. Dia akan menggantikanku. Semoga Allaah merahmatimu.”, Matahari perlahan pergi.

Langit telah hitam sempurna. Namun, ia tersenyum berbinar, ketika melihat Bulan. Karena, ia masih menemukan senyum Matahari, pada sinar sang Rembulan. Jumpa esok lagi, Matahari yang riang. Insyaa Allaah.

Mencintaimu Dalam Ramai

Bila rasa sudah bicara

Sungguh akan sulit membungkam jiwa

Ia bergejolak.. hingga berpendar sejuta

Bahkan lebih dr milyaran warna

Bagaimanakan mencintai dalam hening?

Sedangkan kala cinta bangkit

Dibangkitkan pula banyak rasa dalamdiri kita

Bahagia yang menjerit

Karena tersentuhnya lantai hati nan terdalam

Oleh keindahannya

Sedih yang menggigit

Karena belumlah waktu berkata silahkan kau temuinya’

Dan mesti menunggu lagi masa

Bagi takdir tuk menghalalkan segalanya

Benci yang pahit

Karena mencintai seorang baik,

Maka mesti membenci apa yang buruk

Meskipun pernah kita begitu menyukai keburukan itu

Karena mencintai apa yang indah

Maka sekaligus harus membenci ketidak-indahan

Meskipun dulu kita melakoninya sepenuh hati


Bagaimanakah mencintai dalam hening itu..?

Bahkan semulia Khadijah pun

Tak sanggup menenangkan rasanya

Kala kekaguman pada keshalihan Muhammad

Menerpa kesucian rasa yang sangat terjaga

Hingga Bunda Kaum Beriman itu mengajukan permintaannya.. atas cinta

Bagaimanakah mencintai dalam hening itu..?

Sedangkan kecemburuan ‘Aisyah diungkapkan lugas

Meski tak sanggup meluruh cinta Sang Nabi

Pada cinta pertamanya

Bagaimanakah mencintai dalam hening itu..?

Sedangkan begitu dekatnya wanita, ‘sang tulang rusuk’ itu

Dengan telinga lelakinya

Hanya tiga jengkal saja

Hingga desirannya menguat tajam pada radar rasanya

Kesucian cinta

Belum tentu terjaga dalam hening

Bila pedih memerahkan setiap sudut hati

Hingga sedih terbenam dalam

Lalu menangis sepanjang malam

Kesucian cinta

Belum tentu terjaga

Dengan diam tanpa meminta

Dengan bungkam tanpa bicara

Lalu tenggelam pada merana berkepanjangan

Mencintailah dalam keramaian

Biarkan cinta itu ceria menghiasi hatimu

Bukannya malah memuram durjakan bongkahan rasamu

Mencintailah dalam keramaian

Hingga syaithan tak perlu berani

Menyerang pada jengkal sunyi

Karena melihat hatimu

Berlari bersendiri

Namun pergilah meminta seseorang

Demi menemani tarian hidupmu

Mencintailah dalam ramai

Karena dalam hening..

Kebanyakan penuh hayalan

Angan yang berkepanjangan

Aku ingin mencintai dalam keramaian

Tak bolehkah..?

Sedangkan Allaah ciptakan semesta

Dengan segala bunyi-bunyiannya

Allaah pula meramaikan malam

Meski IA tahu

Kita butuh ketenangan

Sedangkan Allaah meminta qur’an

Dibacakan dengan merdu

Karena keramaian

Adalah kawan bagi kesepian

Dan kesepian itu

Adalah pintu bagi kesengsaraan

Dari pada mata perih menahan sedih

Lalu dengki dan iri memenuhi hati

Lebih baik kusampaikan pada ibuku

Agar dia sanggup basuh perihku

Kukatakan pada bapakku

Agar beliau bisa arahkanku

Lebih baik aku menangis tersedu di atas sajadah

Riuh rendah dalam isak

Dari pada aku diam dalam hening

Duhai, tak sanggupku

Mencintai dalam hening

Atau adakah keheningan kita berbeda..??


Karena aku tak ingin hening

Melainkan ramai dalam mencinta


Sungguh, akan lebih memalukan

Jika tak pandai menjaga hati

Dalam keheningan

Hai Cinta.. dalam ramai ku menyapa..

Dan dengan senyum.. selebar aku bisa..


*Dalam hening.. atau dalam ramai.. cinta selalu datang.. sekuat apapun kita bertahan.. cinta kan sanggup menembusnya.. fitrah tak dapat ditolak.. kebutuhan tak dapat di nafikkan.. Dalam heningkah pilihanmu.. dalam ramaikah pilihanku.. mari menjaga setiap keindahannya.. tanpa terluka*

Cahaya Cinta

Tak kan kuletakkan cinta

Di kedua mataku

Aku tak mau kau temukannya dengan mudah

Karena mata, akan terlalu banyak berbicara

Binarnya terlalu jujur

Mengungkap semua yang tersembunyi pada wadah hati

Meski kau tenggelam di kedalamannya

Tak kan kau mampu membacanya di sana

Karena, tak kualirkan energy itu padanya

Jika kau menatapnya terlalu lama

Maka aku akan tertunduk

Makin hilang kesempatanmu melihat cinta

Atau aku pergi

Mulai tak nyaman di ruang ini

Kusimpan cinta itu di sana

Dalam kata-kata yang tersurat

Carilah maknanya hingga kau paham

Kemana cinta sedang ku arahkan

Ragaku.. mungkin sedang menghadapmu

Namun, jiwaku.. berkiblat jauh menembus langit

Bila memang aku mencintaimu

Jangan cari cinta itu di mataku

Cahayanya telah kukirim dari sebuah mercusuar di belahan hati

Menuju lapisan cermin di awan

Lalu pendarnya kembali ke bumi

Menuju ke hatimu

Semoga.. sampai dengan selamat

Berusaha menerangimu dari sini

Dengan sepenuh cinta

Orkestra Harapan

Kau kah itu
Menggantung tinggi hingga ku mesti berjinjit menyentuhmu
Binar jiwa yang menajam menghiasmu
Sekeranjang butirmu terus memenuhi wadah-wadah jiwaku
Ada khawatir yang berdesir
Tak kuat pasrah jika kau tak tertunai

Bilakah dunia tak menunda lahir wujudmu
Namun, memang bukan dunia yang menahanmu
Ada sesuatu dalam diriku yang membelenggu kedatanganmu
Keutuhan yang kucitakan
Adalah serpihan ketidaksempurnaanku yang masih terbiasa dengan kebiasaanku

Aku tau kau akan mendekat
Jika aku dekat dengan Dia, Yang mengijabahimu
Aku tau kau akan wujud
Jika jalinanku dengan-Nya pula wujud

Yaa Allaah..
Engkau-kah itu..
Yang menatapku dengan penuh tanya
Sungguh berharap pantaslah aku menerima itu semua
Terus kupelihara tahta-Mu
Pada singgasana jiwa
Kadang ia goyah

Ketika asa mulai memutar nyanyiannya
Dan menari indah di pelupuk jiwa
Asa itu menarikku
Getir yang seringkali hadir
Adalah gelombang rasaku yang menggulung ribut mengusik tenang
Namun, aku berusaha untuk setia pada satu Nama

Yang selalu sentak aku dengan teguran penuh kasih
Dimana tangis tak abadi meng-gerimis di langit hati
Hanya sisa-sisa sepi yang Kau ramaikan dengan tabuhan peringatan-Mu
Lalu senyum terkembang
Dan tak surut pulang

Kita adalah sebuah orkestra jiwa
Yang belum disatukan
Kau sedang mainkan satu melodi di sudut sana
Dan aku alunkan satu irama di sudut sini
Kita sedang menanti masa
Tuk di sebut nama kita
Dan tampil dengan sepenuh jiwa
Jiwaku dan jiwamu

Semoga keduanya tetap terjaga
Hingga satu lagu cinta
Tercipta khusus untuk kita

*Satu malam.. bersama bintang

Cinta Itu Dekat ..

Di setiap tempat
Di bawah langit
Di atas bumi
Di mana air kasih mengalir, di mana udara cinta menghembus cerita

Ini tanah-Nya

Ini semesta-Nya

Ruang cinta-Nya

Seluas apapun samudra membentang
Sepanjangan apapun jalan direntang
Sejuta langkah rasa kau ambil
Masih tetaplah

Kau.. milik-Nya
Kau.. dalam genggam-Nya

Seramai apapun saudara
Sesepi sendiri dalan perjalananmu
Se-asing jiwa dari sekelilingmu
Rasa sunyi

Ketika kau rasa sepi
Di satu sudut waktu
Di sebuah jengkal ardhi

Sang Maha Cinta tidak pernah JAUH.. Selama kau MENDEKAT..

Jumpa Di Surga

Bila kita jumpa di surga

Adakah kau.. kenaliku lagi

Atau hanya seperti jumpa kita di bumi

Sekedar pandang lalu pergi menghilang

Akulah debu kecil yang kau tepis

Lembut, namun perih menorehku

Salah aku..


Telah mencintai, tanpa permisi

Bila kita jumpa di surga

Semoga jiwaku masih menyimpan pesonamu

Setitik fana yang kugenggam bersama bara dunia

Kurenung dalam do’a

Kuukir pada mihrab cinta

Namun, kau bukan bintangku

Pupus engkau dari langit hatiku

Pudar dalam lamun yang lain

Bila kita jumpa di surga

Tersenyumlah saja

Itu cukup mengobat rindu dahulu

Mungkin kita memang tak jumpa di ruang dunia

Setidaknya, sempat aku menemukan pendarmu

Dalam temu imagi

Hingga refleksi rasaku pada satu asa


Jika tidak ada kita

Mungkin kau dan dia

Aku dan yang lainnya

Semua.. dalam Bahagia

Bila kita jumpa di surga

Maka tiada sedih lagi

Jiwa bersujud lega

Harapanku berjawab

Kita bahagia, meski tak bersama

Bila kita jumpa di surga

Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

The Power Of Giving Are You A Believer?

Can the power of giving really change your life? By putting prosperity principles to work will you really see improvement in your financial situation, your happiness, your success? Many people, including me, believe wholeheartedly it will.
Power of Giving

If you are one of the many who already know the true rewards of philanthropy or sharing a charitable donation with others read on... there are many resources here for you. Stick around and share your story.

If you are new to the concept, you've come to the right place and will hopefully leave this website more enlightened and informed than when you arrived.

Giving, Philanthropy,

The first time I was introduced to a concept like the power of giving I was more than a little intrigued. I was taking a class by a well known financial guru. One of the things he taught was tithing 10% of everything you make back to charity. By doing so, he told us, our financial situations would improve greatly.

Hmmmm, I thought... if I had money to give away, I wouldn't be taking a class on improving my finances. At that time, I had a very hard time wrapping my mind around the power of giving concept. After all, I had bills to pay, responsibilities to tend to. Wouldn't it be completely negligent of me to give money away when I so desperately needed it?

At the same time though, my thoughts kept dwelling back to the teacher. He always drilled the "giving back" theory home. He had money. He had success. He appeared to be happy. His students looked up to him. He was well respected. Maybe, I thought, there was something to this power of giving idea.

After I decided to open my mind a bit and allow some of this to sink in I had many questions. There are so many ideas out there on who to donate to and how much it can become confusing.

Some say, you MUST offer to the church. I like my church, I like the people at my church. Did I like the idea of giving the money I really didn't have to the church? Maybe. I wasn't sure.

Some say, donate to anyone in need. That sounded nice. Who were these people in need? Where were these people in need? How do you give to them?

Then there were all the conflicting ideas of how much to donate. Some say it has to be 10% to count. Whose counting? Some say it needs to be much more while still others say just give what you can. Just give what you can. Now that sounded like a nice idea.

Since, at that time, I was being taught to contribute 10%, I followed those guidelines my first time giving money away.

I received a phone call from a friend who was running in a marathon for cancer awareness. She was a survivor. She was looking for donations but said she understood if I was unable to.

Immediately after I hung up with her, I was handed my pay check for the week at work. Without hesitation I wrote a check for 10% of my pay check and dropped it in the mail to my friend before I could change my mind.

Did I have second thoughts after I dropped the money in the mail? You betcha! I thought, Oh my gosh, what have I done? How will I pay my entire mortgage, or will I be able to buy groceries this week? I had anxiety.

It didn't last long. Amazingly I was able to cover all my bills. I don't even remember feeling a pinch.

The best part was though, I received a phone call from my friend. She had received my check. She was crying. She was overwhelmed with my generosity (she knew my financial situation). She was so choked up with emotion, she got me all choked up. Her happiness caused a lump in my throat. I'll never forget it. Then, she proceeded to tell EVERYONE we knew how generous I was. How's that for the power of giving?

Even if I had felt a pinch that week I would have gladly accepted it just to reap the rewards of my friends happiness. I felt good. Very good. I knew I did the right thing.

Later that month I received an unexpected $1000 bonus at work. I just sat staring at the check. Coincidence? Maybe. Would I have received the bonus anyway? I don't know. All I know is two things happened; I did something good for someone and my life was enriched, happier if you will, in doing so and my financial situation was better NOT worse by donating money. Neat trick, huh?

There are numerous stories on the power of giving just like mine out there. You'll find other examples here on this website. You'll also find information to help you sort through the confusing conflicts of who to give to and how much. Information on how to offer from your heart and the many benefits you'll receive in return. It's all about who you are, who you want to be and what makes you most enlightened, empowered and joyous, and allows you to feel the true power of giving.

To Give or To Get

Seorang pebisnis muda datang mengadukan masalahnya kepada sahabat saya yang berprofesi sebagai konsultan spiritual bisnis. Pebisnis itu membuka masalahannya dengan mengatakan,

“Pak saya memiliki adik yang sangat durhaka. Ketika kuliah saya yang membiayai. Ketika dia menikah saya yang menikahkan dan menanggung semua biayanya. Sekarang berbekal satu kwitansi atas namanya, dia akan menggugat saya ke pengadilan. Dalam gugatannya ia mengatakan rumah yang saya tempati adalah milik adik saya.” Pebisnis muda itu diam diam sejenak sambil menarik napas panjang.

Kemudian dia meneruskan ceritanya,

“Padahal rumah itu saya beli dengan tetesan keringat saya. Saya nggak habis pikir, mengapa dia tega melakukan ini. Saya minta petunjuk dari Bapak bagaimana menundukkan adik saya. Saya ingin agar adik saya sadar dan tidak usah membawa permasalahan itu ke pengadilan. Saya malu dengan banyak orang.”

Kemudian konsultan bertanya;

“Dari mana uang yang kamu gunakan untuk membangun rumahmu?” Orang itu menjawab;

“Dari hasil jerih payah usaha saya. Saya pernah punya usaha pom bensin tapi sekarang sudah bangkrut.”

“Terus darimana modal usaha pom bensinmu?” Desak sang konsultan. Dia terdiam. Setelah menarik nafas panjang, dia berkata ;

“Modal usaha pom bensin saya peroleh dari hasil penjulan tanah milik ibu saya. Saya jual tanah itu tanpa izin ibu saya. Ibu saya kecewa, tak lama setelah kejadian itu ibu saya dipanggil Yang Maha Kuasa.”

“Itulah sebab musabab problem anda. Memulai usaha dengan uang yang tidak bersih bahkan dengan cara menyakiti ibu kandung anda. Ironisnya, anda belum sempat meminta maaf kepada ibu anda dan dia sudah meninggal dunia.” Jawab konsultan muda itu.

“Terus bagaimana saya selanjutnya?” kata orang itu. Konsultan energik itu menjawab: “Ikhlaskan rumah itu buat adik anda. Kehidupan anda tidak akan berkah dengan rumah yang merupakan buah dari menyakiti ibu anda”

Butiran jernih mengalir di pipi orang itu. Dengan nada tersengal dia berkata;

“Lalu dimana keluarga saya harus berteduh?” Sang konsultan menjawab ;

“Allah SWT, Tuhan Penguasa Alam Maha Kaya, pasti ada jalan yang akan Dia berikan.” Sesampainya di rumah sang kakak memanggil adiknya,

“Adikku daripada kita bertengkar di pengadilan dan hubungan persaudaraan kita rusak hanya karena rumah ini, aku serahkan rumah ini untukmu. Aku ikhlas. Rumah ini sebenarnya milik ibu, bukan milik saya. Mulai hari ini, rumah ibu ini aku serahkan sepenuhnya untukmu.”

Sang adik berdiri dan kemudian memeluk sang kakak sambil berkata ;

“Kakakku, rumah ini adalah rumahmu, maka ambilah. Saya tidak akan meneruskan ke pengadilan. Tinggalah dengan damai di rumah ini bersama istri dan anak-anak kakak. Saya bangga menjadi adikmu. Saya tak ingin kehilangan engkau kakakku…” Keduanya berpelukan dengan linangan air mata di masing-masing pipinya.

Kisah nyata di atas memberi pelajaran kepada kita bahwa ketika kita berpikir apa yang akan saya dapatkan (to get) maka yang kita peroleh adalah kegelisahan dan permusuhan. Sebaliknya ketika kita berpikir apa yang bisa saya berikan (to give) maka yang kita peroleh kedamaian, rasa hormat, rasa cinta dan persaudaraan.

Tatkala kita berpikir “to get” pada hakekatnya kita masih terjajah. Terjajah oleh harta, terjajah oleh jabatan, terjajah oleh kepentingan dan terjajah oleh gengsi.

Orang-orang yang merdeka adalah orang yang di dalam dirinya tertanam kuat sikap to give. Bila ia memiliki harta, ilmu dan karunia lainnya ia selalu berpikir kepada siapa lagi saya harus berbagi… berbagi…dan berbagi.

(Jamil Azzaini, Inspirator SuksesMulia)

Selasa, 05 Juli 2011

Bee is faster than supercomputers

Inside brain of the bee there are processors much faster than supercomputers despite its size(less than Pinhead), its speed is up to one trillion operation per second , let us read and glorify Allah …

Scientists had found that the bee is using ultra violet ray for vision; wave of this ray is short so that bee can see faster than human. It has to distinguish quickly while flying searching for food among the flowers. when it watch a video it can only see constant photos because its vision speed is more than human as it distinguish the photos in a film one by one.

Processing speed in the bee

Scientists say that bee can perform one trillion arithmetic operations in one second which is faster than any computer in the world!

A real colored photo for eye of bee where there is superior thirty thousand lenses!! This enables the bee for better vision, today scientists are trying to mimic something like that but they are incapable in front of the precise divine design. Look at small head that contains thousands of millions of cells. All of them are working simultaneously in a tremendous speed which is more than the most complicated computers. Glory to Allah!!

Eye of bee consists of thousands of small lenses taking the hexagonal shape, scientists found that this design helps the bee for better vision in forests and to avoid collision with each others. Scientists who believe in secularism are wondering from that perfect design as its brain contains thousands of millions of cells and the size of the brain is less than Pinhead.

Professor Luke Lee one of the famous artificial eye designers who tried to imitate an eye like eye of bee said: "I wanted to understand how nature can create layer upon layer of perfectly ordered structures without expensive fabrication technology".

The answer is in God's saying: (He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth. How can He have children when He has no wife? He created all things and He is the All-Knower of everything.* such is Allah, your Lord! Lâ ilâha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), the Creator of all things. So worship Him (Alone), and He is the Wakîl (Trustee, Disposer of affairs, Guardian) over all things.* No vision can grasp Him, but He grasps all vision. He is Al-Latîf (the Most Subtle and Courteous), Well-Acquainted with all things.)(Sûrat Al-An’âm-verse101-103).

Letter of acknowledgment to a non Muslim scientist

This message is only for those scientists who made some huge contributions in

lighting the way of humanity to discovering secrets of universe….

This message is only for those scientists who made some huge contributions in lighting the way of humanity to discovering secrets of universe and they were the reason behind our understanding for the scientific miracles in the Qur'an…..

The message

Dear scientist,

Thanks for your sincere contributions in lighting our way to discovering these useful discoveries for humanity which were the reason to understand our holy book (the Qur'an), in fact there are many verses in our book that were confusing for Muslims for many years, but after your discoveries I realized what is meant by these verses which increased my submission to Allah almighty.

Allah almighty says in His holy book about scientists: (It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear Allah) (Sûrat Fâtir-verse28), this verse praises every scientist all over the world regardless his nationality or religion….indeed those scientists who discovered secrets of universe know the unseen power behind that universe!

I say for every scientist: thank you for helping me to understand the vague meanings in the Qur'an.

Sure, my dear scientist you may be surprised of what I am saying as you may ask: what is the relation between the Qur'an and your scientific discoveries?

My answer is that the Qur'an tells us in many verses about universe, earth, seas, psychology….these verses were vague for hundreds of years but fortunately after your valuable discoveries these verses became clear which truly increased my faith.

My dear, for many times I used to be confused in front of a verse as Allah almighty says: (By the Sky with (its) Tightened weave) (Sûrat Al Zâriyât – verse 7) but I didn't find any kind of weaves in the sky till the latest discovery by a group of scientists from Germany, America and UK who used the supercomputer to draw a thumbnail for the universe, then I saw the galaxies in a tightened weave , after that I became more believer and my faith increased.

Therefore discoveries of scientists were a reason behind increasing my faith and believe.

If we look attentively at this photo, it is easy to realize that galaxies are not distributed randomly but in a long accurate weaves and the length of each weave is about hundreds of millions of light years .so, those scientists realized that there is a tightened weave in the sky, therefore they used the term (cosmic web). After that they released an article with title: " How filaments of galaxies are woven into the cosmic web ". In this research scientists used the same koranic word (weave), at this moment I realized that the verse talks about this weave as god says :( By the Sky with (its) Tightened weave).

Also, when one of your scientists had discovered the secret of building the pyramids and he proved that the used stones in constructing the pyramids were made by heating the clay, in fact that is exactly what Allah told us 1400 years ago when He almighty says: (Fir‘aun (Pharaoh) said: "O chiefs! I know not that you have an ilâh (a god) other than me. So kindle for me (a fire), O Hâmân, to bake (bricks out of) clay, and set up for me a Sarh (a lofty tower, or palace) in order that I may look at (or look for) the Ilâh (God) of Mûsâ (Moses); and verily, I think that he [Mûsâ (Moses)] is one of the liars.")(Sûrat Al-Qasas-verse38), here I realized that this book is sincere and that every word in it is the truth.

In another verse Allah almighty says: (Then He rose over (Istawâ) towards the heaven when it was smoke, and said to it and to the earth: "Come both of you willingly or unwillingly." They both said: "We come willingly.")(Sûrat Fussilat
-verse11), then I asked myself, what is the relation between smoke and formation of the universe?

I didn't find any answer till one of your scientists discovered the cosmic smoke and also he discovered that the cosmic smoke was formed billions of yeas ago at the beginning of the universe…..many thanks for that scientist.

This photo for a molecule of cosmic smoke which consists of small molecules, it looks like the smoke of a cigarette, scientists captured this photo by a microscope from a fallen meteorite and it was discovered that its diameter is 3 micrometer and it consists of carbon and silicon.

Scientists confirm that the smoke exists from the beginning of the universe and that smoke is distributed in the whole universe, it covers the surface of planets and it forms stars and galaxies. Source NASA

No one can forget your valuable discovery which is the deep waves when one of your scientists discovered the existence of surface waves and deep waves (1000M under the water surface) and these waves are in a dark area. Here I remembered the divine statement when Allah almighty says: (Or (the Unbelievers' state) is like the depths of darkness in a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed with billow (a large wave) topped by billow, topped by (dark) clouds: depths of darkness, one above another: if a man stretches out his hands, he can hardly see it! for any to whom Allah giveth not light, there is no light!). (Sûrat Al-nour –verse40).

The Qur'an tells us about darkness and deep waves in the deep sea but I didn't realize what is meant by these verses till your discovery.

The scientists used satellites, submarines and floating laboratories to discover the deep waves but Allah told us 1400 years ago about these waves when He almighty says: (Or (the Unbelievers' state) is like the depths of darkness in a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed with billow (a large wave) topped by billow) Source: NASA

I thanked Allah so much when I read the western research that rate of suicide in Muslim countries is about 0%, researchers say that the reason is the commitment to the principles of Islam …..At that time, I remembered the divine statement when Allah almighty says in His holy book: (And do not kill yourselves (nor kill one another). Surely, Allah is Most Merciful to you.)(Sûrat An-Nisâ’ -verse29).so I started to re understand the meaning of that verse and to feels its importance.

I don't forget what a Muslim scientist (in NASA) said about the rivers under sand in the desert, then I remembered what our Prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him)said about this scientific fact when he said ( God will not held day of resurrection unless Arab land returns greens and rivers again ) [Narrated by Muslim.] scientifically, it was proved that one day the Arabian peninsula was full of greens and rivers as satellite photos show the existence of buried rivers under the sand of Arab land.

The scientists in NASA confirm that one day desert of Rub ' Al Khali and the Arabian Peninsula were covered by rivers, forests and animals and they confirm that this land will back again like the past , as referenced in the prophetic Hadith.

In another discovery, scientists reported that forelock area (upper and front of the brain) controls the right decision making, so as long as this area is active and efficient, the taken decisions would be more accurate and wise.

That is exactly what our prophet Mohamed (Peace be upon him) said in his supplication (oh god, my forelock is between your hand) [Narrated by Ahmed].in this supplication there is a full submission from the prophet to his God be He exalted as God is controlling however He wants and is predetermining whatever He wants . Also scientists discovered that forelock area plays a vital role in realizing, steering, problem solving and creation.

After long studies for brain activities, scientists had discovered that the most important area is the forelock (forepart of the head ) as this area is responsible for creation and steering operations so prophet Mohamed (Peace be upon him) confirms that this area is so important , and this is a miracle which testify that the prophet is sincere . How could he know about that issue in a time when no one knows anything about it? God taught him all of that as Allah says: (and taught you that which you knew not. And Ever Great is the Grace of Allah unto you) (An-Nisa'- verse 113)

Therefore, without your scientist I wouldn't be able to understand this fact in the right way, but I would like to mention that the Qur'an is full of many other scientific realities.

At the end

You may ask a question, O Muslims, do you have any scientific discoveries from the holy Qur'an? The answer is yes, and here is some of it.

Allah says in the Qur'an: (Verily, the likeness of ‘Îsâ (Jesus) before Allah is the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then (He) said to him: "Be!" - and he was.)(Sûrat Âl-‘Imrân -verse59).the most amazing thing is that the word ‘Îsâ (Jesus) was mentioned 25 times in the whole Qur'an and also Allah almighty mentioned Adam 25 times!!!

Also the Qur'an tells us about this life and the hereafter and Allah confirms that the Qur'an guarantees the happy life before and after death as He almighty says: (Whoever desires a reward in this life of the world, then with Allah (Alone and none else) is the reward of this worldly life and of the Hereafter. And Allah is ever All-Hearer, All-Seer.)(Sûrat An-Nisâ’ -verse134).

It is amazing to know that the word "life" was mentioned 115 times in the whole Qur'an and also Allah almighty mentioned" hereafter"115 times!!!

my dear scientist, if you read the Qur'an you will find that the word(Allah) is the most repeated word as it was mentioned 2699 time. Can you find a book the name of its author is the most frequent word?

What does it mean to find (in a book its author is (Allah) and He says that He is (one)) that the word (Allah) is the most frequent word and the number one is the most frequent number …it means one thing that is the author of the Qur'an is Allah the One !!

Hence, we can clearly see the greatness of the Qur'an which testify that it was descended from Allah almighty the only creator and the one God.

Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

Malamku Disini

aku ingin melukismu, malam
seperti aku melukis kata hati
yang terpatri dari mimpi

dan aku ingin menitimu, malam
menjalani kerinduan
menangkap harapan dalam sepi,

namun keinginan malamku
terkikis tergerogoti
oleh duniawi...

semua aku syukuri,
ketika aku melewati putaran waktu
yang masih diberikanNYA...

aku ingat, kalau malam
aku selalu disini, menunggu
kunang-kunang yang menjelma
menjadi peri...